Monday, January 20, 2014

October 22, 2012

October 22, 2012

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order.  A quorum was attained.  This meeting also included a working meeting for Land’s Sake.

Present were:  Ralph Roe, Ellie Roe, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Anne Pendrak, Betty Lineberry, Margie Wells, Barbara Pleasant, Karin Groshans, Jack Wall, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes:  The minutes from August 27, 2012, and September 25, 2012, were approved as read.

Treasurers’ Reports: 

General Fund:  Treasurer Karin Groshans reported that we had an account balance of $1842.56.  She reported that she had a statement from September but none for October, however, there was no activity for October, so there is no change.  Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

County Professional Support Fund:  Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that the account balance was $2692.50 and that there had been no activity since the last report.  She also indicated that the grant money (approx. $600) needed to be used up soon as its deadline was nearing.  Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund:  Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the checking account balance was $11,161.05 and the total account balance was $14676.23.  Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.  She reported that we had received the $5000 grant money from the Larry Woodrow Vest Fund of the Foundation for Roanoke Valley.
Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: 
Pavilion:  Betty Lineberry reported that we had received the grant money from the Foundation for Roanoke Valley.   She reported that JC Holden was paid from the grant money ($1600).  She is still trying to get prices from Ed Irwin and prices for the sides and lighting.  She reported APCO would charge $3100 to get power from the pole to the slab.
Betty also reported that Ed had picked up the hemlock for the pavilion and took to Steve for planning; estimated cost will be $1475 for railing (ramp railing included).
Betty reported that Steve had given her a new for the railing.  It is now a 2-sided railing to allow for running wiring.  Estimate for concrete and labor for ramp is $550 (built at cost).  Mark Bolt indicated the ramp did not need railings and gave approval for a slab.
Betty reported that Ed gave her a new design for the benches; these benches are more elaborate and expensive.  Betty indicated that we could put the railing up first, then build the benches; estimated cost $2450, painting extra.  After discussion, members decided that we liked the original design for the benched (simple slab) but with the 2-sided railing.  It was decided to go ahead with the railing starting the 2nd week of November.  We would do the railing with the wiring, but not connect to APCO until later.
Betty reported also that Woody had sent her a lighting bid for a more simple lighting array that could be installed for approx. $3000-4000.  Betty reported that she had been in contact with Stage Sound to design lighting.  Kamala indicated that she had used Stage Sound and found them expensive and recommended that we did not use them.  We will need a dusk-to-dawn light regardless.  It was suggested to check what kind of lighting was used at Oak Grove Pavilion and to speak further with Woody.  After discussion, it was decided to wait on the lighting until we had the rest of the pavilion paid for and then used what is left for lighting.
The estimate for stoning on the Treynham pavilion is approx. $1200.  Jane will talk to Mac regarding how much stoning is needed and where on the pavilion it will be installed.
Betty reported that we had spent $33,600 on the pavilion so far.

Nominating Committee:  Nothing to report.

New Business: 

Land’s Sake! 2012:  The rest of the meeting was a working meeting to discuss Land’s Sake! for 2013.  A number of ideas were brainstormed and discussed including:
-       Holding the event earlier in the year and not around Earth Day.
-       Combine with Green N’ Clean Day
-       Incorporate a Hazmat and Drug collection.
-       Involve 4-H, make it a mini county fair, involve animals, kids activities, etc.
-       Hold it at the Eco Village
-       Incorporate a nature walk
-       Show a water movie
-       Determine what format – fund raiser or event
-       Invite vendors/exhibitors in person
-       Less long educational talks.  More short talks in the vendor area.
-       Use separate tents for different aspects of the event (ie: Kids tent, etc)
-       Incorporate primitive music and crafts.
-       Have an Up-Cycle crafting contest.
-       Short films on continuous run.
-       Food or not, who to do, what to make
-       Incorporate info from “The Town that Food Saved”
-       Partner with Sustain Floyd and other Green organizations

Announcements:  None.

Meeting was adjourned.  Next meeting will be Monday, November 26, 2012, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath,
Recording Secretary

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