Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Meeting Minutes for Nov 17, 2008

November 17, 2008

President Kamala Bauers called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.

Present were: Mitch Cundiff, Jo Mandzak, Kamala Bauers, Karin Grosshans, Jane Cundiff, Jack Wall, Nanette Johnson, Sam Moore, Karen Thompson, Charles Kingrea, Shelby Kingrea, Shannon Atkins, Grey Lineberry, and Dede McGrath.

The minutes from October 20, 2008, were read and approved as amended.

Treasurer’s Report: Sam reported that we have a balance of $5,641.09; a copy of the treasurer’s report is attached and incorporated by reference. He reported we had received a check for the Heritage Music series held by the Country Store. Sam also reported that he added a check from last year for insurance for the antique show that was not used back into the account.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee: Korene Thompson gave a presentation of the results of the park design charette and the park conceptual drawing by Hill Studios. The charette asked for input on how the park should/could be used, what people would like to see in the park, essential components, and things that would be uniquely Floyd. The charette results and design brought to light a lot of issues that the Design Committee will have to address. It was estimated that fund raising and park design could take about a year, but that the first stage of the park could be completed by 2010. It was indicated that there is a need for musicians and gardeners/landscapers on the committee. Kamala reported that she is working on a job description for the design committee and that the committee will have to meet frequently in order to have the design completed in a year. She reported that an article and emails will be going out inviting people and organizations to join the committee. Discussion followed about some issues and suggestions for the committee such as: making the best use of the lay of the land and utilizing low maintenance elements and landscaping, concerns regarding vandalism, liability, etc, possibly doing the park in phases and encouraging business to take on building a portion of the park as an in-kind donation. The park design committee will have its first meeting on December 8, 2009, at 4:00 pm in the Hotel Floyd Conference room. The park design committee will be meeting twice a month.

Antique Show: Nanette reported that Gary Long contacted her to let her know that he now had an auctioneer’s license and would be willing to conduct an auction for us with 10% of the proceeds going to Partnership. Discussion followed about holding an auction during the antique show. It was suggested that it could be held in the auditorium. It was also suggested that we might try to get some entertainment for the show; Nanette suggested trying to get the “Wright Kids” from Rocky Mount to come play.

TEA-21: Korene reported that we are awaiting the land owners to sign easements for the gateway signs.

New Business:

Town Design Conference: Shannon Atkins gave a short presentation of a Town Design Conference and Workshop that he attended. He indicated that Floyd might benefit from such a workshop and gave Partnership information on the grant application. Proposal for 2009 are due by December 10, 2008. This workshop could help with park design, trails design, etc. The grants run annually so if we could not apply this year, we could apply next year. A committee was formed to work on a proposal: Shannon – chair, Jane, Kamala, Mike, Grey Lineberry volunteered for the committee.

December Meeting: There will be no meeting in December. The Executive Committee will meet in December to discuss the January Annual meeting.

Announcements: None

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be January 19, 2009, at 6:30 pm. Place to be determined. This will be the Annual meeting of the organization. Elections for Board members and officers will be held.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath

Sunday, November 30, 2008

No December 2008 monthly meeting

See you on January 19, 2009 (the third monday) to begin planning the new year's projects.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

January 21, 2008 meeting

Dear Partnership for Floyd Members and interested potential members,

This is an outline of projected work for the Partnership for Floyd in the coming year. If I this sounds interesting to you and / or you have the time please join us. Our next meeting will be January 21st at 6:00pm at the Hotel Floyd Conference Room in the Village Green.

This meeting will include a vote for new Board Members. If you are not currently serving in a leadership capacity, but would be interested in this opportunity- please let us know.

This is a summary of topics on our current list for discussion- however, we are also open to hearing from all of you on topics you feel are important for this organization to address. ·

---Antique Show and Appraisals (February meeting focus) – our primary fundraising event – Event date – March 9th 11:00-4:00 Floyd County High School- (Nanette is organizing the event- appraisers and vendors, and securing the location, Kamala Is working on the publicity) homemade soups and breads to be served (Mark is organizing the food- volunteers to make homemade soup will be needed). Help in all areas is most welcome. ·
-- Earth day event April 19th at the Floyd County High School. The primary focus of this event is to provide information to Floyd citizens on environmental issues that are important to our area- such as water/ landfill, a speaker has been lined up from the state water control board, there are local people who have been or will be invited to speak as well (Fred First) one idea under consideration is the Partnership sponsoring a "science fair" for the students with prize money attached to increase student involvement and encourage their parents to come out on the day to see their student's project. Billy Weitzenfeld's group is interested in working with the Partnership on this project. A committee has been formed to work on this event- contact Jack Wall (chair of the committee) for more information. 392-4381 · ---Lineberry Memorial Park- Partnership to sponsor another planning event sometime in May?/ June ? – as directed by the Town of Floyd. Partnership members are also available to talk with community groups about the Lineberry Memorial Park and the need to raise funds to support finishing touches to the park. Raffle will begin in March and drawing will be held at this event with all funds going to the park. ·
-- The restoration of the Old Jacksonville Cemetery was actually the primary reason the Partnership for Floyd was formed. This has been proven to be a very difficult area to be effective in. The TEA 21 grant has been slow to be implemented (mostly because of VDOT rules). However, I would like to keep this as a topic of discussion, and for the Partnership to be available to help with this project as we can. We did write a grant for this purpose that was denied last October from the Roanoke Community Foundation. I think there may be other opportunities for grants, however, and we may get a "yes" next time. · Working with other civic organizations for continued work on the beautification of the Downtown Floyd area, from the Floyd County Woman's Club, to the Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce (and any other interested group).

Thanks! Kamala BauersChairperson, Partnership for Floyd(540) 392-4382