Monday, January 20, 2014

February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013

President Anne Pendrak presided and called the meeting to order.  A quorum was attained. 

Present were:  Anne Pendrak, Jane Cundiff, Jack Wall, Barbara Pleasant, Kamala Bauers, Marjory Wells, Karin Grosshans, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes:  The minutes from January 28, 2013, were approved as read. 

Treasurers’ Reports: 

General Fund:  Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that we had no activity this period; the account balance remains $1806.73.  She reported that she had to pay the SCC fee on-line with her personal check card as the SCC site was not working properly; she will be reimbursed.  Karin also reminded members that dues for 2013 are do now.  Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

County Professional Support Fund:  Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that the account balance is $2692.50; money was used for refreshments for the Agricultural & Forestry Task Force Community Presentation on Feb. 4.  Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund:  Karin reported for Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry that the checking account balance was $3919.09 and the total account balance was $7936.01.  During this period $6801.96 was paid to Professional Builders for materials, supplies, and labor for the pavilion.  Betty’s report is attached and incorporated by reference. 
Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: 
Lighting:  Jane reported that she was unsure if Woody was going to pay for the lighting or if we were responsible.  A pavilion and park lighting was discussed.  Dede and Anne reminded the board that the Woman’s Club might have money for a lighting project, but the PFF would have to send a formal request letter with the scope of the project explained.
Plaques:  Jane presented a recommendation for a plaque/sign she had seen at another park.  The signs are weather resistant and can be made in a variety of sizes.  Additionally, they are computer generated so they can have a lot more detail and even pictures.  There are reasonably priced and can be free standing or mounted.  Discussion followed; Jane will make up a proposed design for the Trahynam Trellis Shelter for review.  It was suggested to have one sign for each shelter and one larger sign for the patio/donors, etc.  Jane will also continue to research other plaques; she will check the cost of the Farmer’s Market sign.
Kiosk:  It was suggested to have a kiosk in the park to advertize up-coming events.
Water Fountain:  The Rotary Club has offered a $1000 toward a water fountain.
Playground:  A short discussion of playground was held.  It was suggested that maybe adding some natural features to the park, ie: logs, rocks, would give the kids something to play on that would more stimulate imagination and play.

Earth Day 2013:  Jane reported the Earth Day is April 20, at the Eco Village.  There will be lots of kids eco activities, plant/seed exchange, Master Gardener table, music, food, and demonstrations and lecture.  Barbara reported that there is a caterpillar shaped bouncy house that can be rented for $365. 
-       A motion was made, seconded, and passed to spend up to $375 to rent Cameron the Caterpillar for Earth Day. 
-       A motion was made, seconded, and passed to move $1000 from the County Professional fund to the General fund for use for Earth Day expenses. 
Dede will check with Collin Chiropractic to see if we can borrow their toddler bouncy; Karin will contact the FAA/school farm point of contact and will talk to Tyler from 4-H; Barbara will write an article for the newspaper featuring Cameron.  It was suggested PFF have a table for information, membership, donations, etc.  It was also suggested that we have some short video presentations that can run continuously for people to stop and watch.  There will be music outside by students from the music school and panel talks.  It was suggested to do some table conversation talks in the lunch room by placing cards with various topics on the tables for people to use.  The next Earth Day meeting will be Mar. 11 at 6:30 pm at Eco Village.

New Business: 

Board Membership:  A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept Marjory Wells to the Board.


Meth Awareness Program:  Jack announced that there will be a Meth Awareness Program at the FCHS on March 19 from 6-8 pm.

VA Blue Ridge Music Festival:  A fundraising gala will be held for the VA Blue Ridge Music Festival at the Eco Village on April 18.  The Festival will be held May 30 – June 9.  They are looking for people to lodge the students.  See

Meeting was adjourned.  Next meeting will be Monday, March 25, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.   

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath,
Recording Secretary

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