Monday, January 20, 2014

November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

President Anne Pendrak presided and called the meeting to order.  A quorum was attained. 

Present were:  Anne Pendrak, Kamala Bauers, Jane Cundiff, Barbara Pleasant, Marjory Wells, Karin Grosshans, Jack Wall, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes:  The minutes from October 28, 2013, were approved with the following correction: the County Professional Support Fund balance should read $642.50 not $842.50.

Treasurers’ Reports: 

General Fund:  Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that the Trail Fund CD was redeemed and deposited in the General Fund, along with dues.  The $200 to Shortt for stage tile work has been paid.  The account balance is now $7555.79.  Karin also reported that she had the new signature card for people to sign.  Her report is attached and incorporated as reference.  Jane reported that Woody will be sending his bill for stage lighting work shortly; estimated at $2700.

County Professional Support Fund:  Treasurer Karin reported that the account balance last reported was in error; it should have been $642.50.  There has been no other account activity.  Her report is attached and incorporated as reference.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: 
Signs:  Jane reported that the entrance sign is three-quarters done.  The hold-up was the corrective concrete work, however, they have decided not to wait for the concrete work and Woody will go ahead and do the work himself.
Jane received the list of donors and has drafted a Historical sign.  She sent the draft out to members for corrections, additions, deletions, etc.  She will have Elaine Martinez, Omnea Designs, look over the design and offer suggestions.  Smaller signs will be used for the benches and other elements.  A discussion was held regarding a bronze donor sign.
Drinking Fountain: Marjory presented a proposal for a wall-mounted, stone covered drinking fountain for $771.  More information to follow.
Kiosk:  No new information.

Earth Day:  An Earth Day 2014 was held.  Suggestions for format included:  keeping a similar format to 2013; possible date 4/26, Saturday; keeping it at the Eco-Village; serving soup, salad, sandwiches, & hotdogs; have children’s activities and the bounce house again, but need more volunteers for this; keep the Re-Cycle/Up-Cycle craft exhibit – try for more entries; more advertizing, especially some geared toward children; form committee soon; get trees from the Forestry Dept again; have a kids poster/essay contest; wine workshop and wine tasting.

Nominating Committee:  Kamala and Dede were appointed to the Nominating Committee.  Dede will send out an email of information on board/officer terms, etc.  The following board members’ terms are ending: Jane Cundiff, Karin Grosshans, and Jack Wall; there are also four open seats.  Ellie and Ralph Roe have agreed to become board members.

New Business:

Trails:  It was suggested that we get with Lydeana and Will and get suggestions on how to continue and possible locations.

Childhood Obesity Prevention (COPs):  Kamala presented a proposal to support COPs.  A motion was made, seconded, and passed that the PFF would support the COPs initiative for recreation in the park through a Letter of Support in support of a grant.

Announcements:  None.

Meeting was adjourned.  Next meeting will be TBD.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath,
Recording Secretary

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