Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 17, 2009 Meeting

This month's meeting will be held on Tuesday in the basement room of the Town Hall. We will discuss the coming Antique Fair, the Town Park and many other things. Everyone is welcome to come.

January 2009 Minutes

January 19, 2009

President Kamala Bauers called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.

Present were: Shannon Atkins, Mitch Cundiff, Nanette Johnson, Jane Cundiff, Mike Maslaney, Sam Moore, Jo Mandzak, Kamala Bauers, Karin Grosshans, and Dede McGrath.

The minutes from November 17, 2008, were read and approved. Nanette asked why the Schools Sidewalk program was not included. Kamala indicated that the program was mentioned informally so was not included in the minutes. Kamala also indicated that we had missed the deadline and would have to wait until next year.

Treasurer’s Report: Sam reported that he did not have an updated report. The balance was still $5,641.09.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that the Park Planning committee has met and that the meeting was good. Mitch passed around some photos of the park area that had been enhanced to include park elements so that people could get an idea of what it might look like. Jane reported that the committee met at the park site and that this was very useful for discussing park elements and possible locations. Jane reported that they had some musicians in attendance (the Tranyhams) and that this was helpful. Jane reported that the old tree will be cut down. Nannette suggested contact Bill Graffy to come and cut the tree down and make bowls or key chains from the wood to sell as a possible fundraiser. A suggestion was made to have Lanny Bean come and look at the tree to see if it can be carved in a sculpture. Nanette volunteered to contact both. Kamala reported that it was suggested that the grass be mowed and the area used this spring prior to the park being completed. The nest committee meeting is January 22, 2009, at 5:00 pm at the town office.

Antique Show Report: Nanette reported that she has sent out information to possible new vendors. She asked the board their opinion on whether to refund the booth fees due to inclement weather or hold fee for the next year’s show. Jo indicated that the Woman’s Club does not refund booth fees for inclement weather and that we should not try to. Nanette reported that the appraisals will start at noon. She has had no answer on her inquiries for music and has made the decision to not to try to have music this year. Nanette brought a request from one vendor to set up a sign advertising his business at his booth; the board did not have a problem with that. Nanette want to have complimentary coffee and food for the vendors during set-up again this year. Dede will handle that. Nanette reported that she asked Gary long about an auction. Gary said he would do it and Ann Pendrak will do the administration work. She still needs to get items for the auction but will work on that in the next month. She reported that she has reserved the Bank of Floyd display and will be setting up the display on February 2, 2009, in the morning. Anyone who has item for the display should bring them to the Bank of Floyd at that time. Nanette reported that she will report on food next month.

Earth Day Committee Report: Jack was not present but Kamala reported that they have begun meeting. Fred First and Gary Bobbitt are helping in the coordination again this year. The event will be held on April 4, 2009, at the Floyd County High School. Kamala did not have the event title but indicated it had to do with local economy.

Heritage Music Report: Kamala reported that the Heritage Music series was completed and that the report being done. Kamala was happy with this project as it entailed little work for the Partnership, however, we can use this in future grant proposals and projects.

New Business:

Vision 20/20: Kamala reported that there is a new planning document being worked on by the PDC for New River Valley. This document is updated every 5 years and it is important to the Partnership as it is the document we need to have all of our future projects listed in in order to have a better chance at getting funding and applying for grant, especially ARC, CNDG and tobacco grants. This time they are concentrating on the whole New River regional area rather that county by county. There will be a meeting on March 12, 2009, at the Floyd County Store. Point of Contact from the PDC is Marty Holliday.

Nominating Committee Report: Jo presented the slate for election of directors; the report is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. There was one open seat available. Jane Cundiff agreed to become a board member. Jack Wall and William Bell stepped down from the board due to their work schedules leaving two openings. Up for re-election were the following: Dede McGrath, Lorice O’Conner, Kamala Bauers, Skip Pendry, and Nanette Johnson. Sam made a motion to accept the slate as presented; Nanette seconded; the motion was passed. Nanette made a motion to appoint two new members, Mitch Cundiff and Shannon Atkins, to the open seats vacated by Jack Wall and William Bell; Karin seconded; the motion was passed.

Election of Officers: The Board of Directors elected the following to directors as officers:
Karin Grosshans – President
Mike Maslaney – Vice President
Jo Mandzak – Treasurer
Dede McGrath – Recording Secretary
Jane Cundiff – Corresponding Secretary

Membership: Dede will be the Membership Chair.

June Social: Kamala announced that she would like to host a social for the Partnership membership at her home in June. More information will follow.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Tuesday, February 17, 2009, at 6:30 pm at the Hotel Conference Room. Note: this is a change in the meeting schedule. We will no longer be meeting on the third Monday. We will now be meeting on the third Tuesday.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary