Friday, October 22, 2010

Minutes September, 2010



September 20, 2010

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Jane Cundiff, Mitch Cundiff, Anne Pendrak, Karin Groshans, Betty Lineberry, Kamala Bauers, Lance Terpenny, and Carter Holling.

Minutes: The minutes of the August 18, 2010, were approved as corrected.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Kamala reported that we had a balance of $2671.40. She reported that the check for $1400 had been deposited, but not yet written back to Woody.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance of $21,690.14. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference. She reported that we had made $389.40 from the Yard Sale. Betty thanked everyone for their help.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that construction on the patio had been started. It will take approximately 3-4 weeks. She indicated that we needed to contact Mac regarding the smaller shelter status. She suggested that we finalize the amphitheatre design and get Town approval and start looking for grants. Several suggestions for types of grants included the NRV Community Foundation, eco-tourism grants, and maybe some arts/culture related grants.

Discussion was held regarding the proposed playground in the park. It was felt that PFF should steer the design in order to have it be more in keeping with the park and not some large plastic thing. It was suggested to approach the Town to approve a design contest. Questions were also raised regarding liability and who was responsible.

Betty indicated that she was going to be approaching several Trusts in Floyd and asked if we had an introduction letter. Kamala and Karin thought that there was one already made. They would get it to Betty.

Jane will be going to the Town regarding the playground and amphitheatre plans. She will be showing them an additional 2 phase plan for the amphitheatre in case we cannot raise all the funds at once.

Park Fundraising: Betty reported that she would be setting up a table at the Arts & Crafts Show while she was doing her Woman’s Club duties to sell raffle tickets and CDs. She reminded people of the dates they had volunteered for selling CDs at the Jamboree.

New Business:

Earth Day 2011: Kamala brought up the idea of an Earth Day event in April 2011, but not on the same day as Floyd’s Green and Clean day. She and Jack have volunteered to coordinate the event. They suggested partnering with Sustain Floyd. Topics were discussed and it was suggested that a land use theme be used and maybe tie it into the Floyd Comprehensive Plan. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to take this as a project for the spring.

Recycling Bins: It was remarked that there is a definite need for more recycling bins around the town area. This is something that may be looked into later.

Fundraising for 2011: It was decided that we needed to create a schedule of fundraising events that we will be participating in for next year to help with scheduling, etc. This will be a topic for the October meeting.

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, October 18, 2010, at 6:30 pm at the Wall Residences Conference Room.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath

Recording Secretary

Thursday, August 19, 2010

2010 August Minutes

August 18, 2010

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained. Introductions were made.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Jane Cundiff, Ken Cundiff, Mitch Cundiff, Anne Pendrak, Karin Groshans, Ralph Roe, Ellie Roe, Ross Miller, Batty Lineberry, Kamala Bauers, and Jack Wall.

Minutes: The minutes of the May 17, 2010, and July 19, 2010, were distributed prior to the meeting. A motion was made, seconded and passed to dispose of the reading of the minutes and accept them as correct. There was no meeting in June 2010.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Kamala reported that we had a balance of $2671.40. She reported that we had received a check for $1400 from the Virginia Foundation of Humanities for the Country Store Concert Series by Woody Crenshaw. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance of $22,841.60. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference. She reported that she had paid the booth fee for two booths at the Citizen’s Flea Market. She asked if the price of the CDs could be changed. It was decided to change the price of the CDs to one of $10 and 2 for $15. Betty also reminder the members that PFF was obligated to the Town for $12,000 for the park patio construction.

Old Business:

Girl Scout Park Picnic Table Project: The Girl Scouts picnic table project was approved by the Town Council and they will be making the tables. Placement in the park shall be determined later.

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that PFF had received Town Council approval for the Traynham shelter design and trees for the park. The trees have already been planted. The trees were donated; PFF only had to pay for installation. Jane reported that Mike had volunteered to coordinate the bidding process. It is estimated that the patio and the picnic shelter could be finished by Thanksgiving.

Park Fundraising: Betty reported that we would have a booth at the Citizen’s Flea Market on Sep. 18, 2010. The Flea Market is from 7 am – 2 pm; Betty indicated that she urgently needed volunteers to help set up at 6 am and then to work during the day. Several people volunteered. She also requested items for the booth as well as baked goods; we have 2 booth spaces. It was suggested to also sell ham biscuit that morning; Kamala will follow up. Betty set up schedule for selling CDs for August and September.

Trails in Floyd: Karin reported for Randall that he had met with the new Town Manager Lance Terpenny. He said the meeting was good and that the Heritage Pathway (TEA-21) was at the point for bid solicitation and that the pathway could be completed by the end of November. (Report attached and incorporated by reference.) Betty reported that we had received a check from Trails-in-Floyd. She suggested placing the money in a 3-year CD until ready to use. A motion was made, seconded and approved to place the money in a 3-year CD. Betty will check the local banks to find the best interest rates.

Comprehensive Plan: There have bee several Comprehensive Plan session through out Floyd. Kamala and Jack, on behalf of PFF, supplied refreshments for the Willis meeting. Many members attended the Aug 12 meeting in Floyd. The meeting was very well attended and good information was given out.

New Business: The new Town Manager is Lance Terpenny.

Harvest Festival: Dede reported that she had been contacted by the Harvest Festival committee regarding participating in the Festival. She reported that the Harvest Festival has been revamped and was going to be held downtown and on Sep 11 (different date from Citizen’s Flea Market). Dede indicated that she thought we needed to support the Harvest Festival since they have may the effort to revamp it. A booth for information only is free and the festival does not run the whole day. It was decided that we would support the Harvest Festival and get a booth for information. Dede will contact Connie and set up. We will ask if we can get booth near park and have information on the park.


Green Building Tour: Jack announced that there was to be a Green Building tour in Floyd and they were looking for building/homes to showcase. For more information and dates, contact Jack.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, September 20, 2010, at 6:30 pm at the Wall Residences Conference Room.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary

Thursday, July 22, 2010

2010 July minutes

July 19, 2010

There was no monthly meeting for June 2010. The Partnership Board attended the Floyd Town council meeting on Monday, July 19, in lieu of a July 2010 meeting.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Jane Cundiff, Jack Wall, Betty Lineberry, Karin Grosshans, Mitch Cundiff, Karen Thompson, and Ken Cundiff.

During the Citizen’s Comment Section, Jack made comments on the need for more recycle containers in town.

Traynham Park Shelter: The park shelter designed by Mac and Jenny was approved by the Town council along with its placement in the park below the bathroom near the new trees. Council was assured that there was sufficient room for a playground in the same area.

Town Manager: The new Town Manager, Lance Tarpenney, was approved.

After the Town Council meeting, Betty asked PFF members to sign up to sell CD’s, raffles tickets, etc, on Friday nights near the Jamboree.

The next meeting will be Monday, August 16, 2010, at 6:30 pm at the Wall Residences Conference Room.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary

2010 May minutes

May 17, 2010

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Jane Cundiff, Jack Wall, Anne Pendrak, Betty Lineberry, Karin Grosshans, Marjory Wells, Randall Wells, Mike Maslaney, Mitch Cundiff, Grey Lineberry, and Becky Pomponio.

Minutes: The minutes from April 19, 2010 were approved as amended.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Kamala reported that we had a balance of $2671.40. She reported that there was a discrepancy in the check book that she was working on trying to resolve. She also reported that she had submitted the electronic form 990-N to the IRS. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance of $16,425.93. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference. She reported that PFF had set up a booth at the May 1 Blue Cow Concert and sold baked goods and sodas. The sodas were donated. She also reported that she had received a $3000 anonymous donation.
Betty also reported that it was noticed during the Blue Cow concert that people were bring alcohol from the restaurants down into the park. Since the ark is to be alcohol free, it was felt that we needed to post “Rules” signs that included “no alcohol allowed”. Also, Betty reported that an unknown person was wandering the park with a jar soliciting donations for a “medical” cause. Many people thought she was collecting donations for the park and gave money. It was felt that we need to include “No soliciting” as part of the “rules”. Betty reported that the woman disappeared with the money.

Old Business:

Girl Scout Park Picnic Table Project: It was reported that the girls were confused on who was to approach the town regarding the picnic table project. It was determined that the girls needed to approach the Town and that we would accompany them.

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that Jeff has completed his portion (soil permeability) of the water management and soil investigation and we are awaiting Anderson & Associates to begin their portion. Work on the patio can commence. John Beegle and some of the Park Committee marked out the patio. Mitch did a computer rendition of a handicap ramp that is located near the restrooms on the park/patio side. Jane reported that John indicated that he can do the patio in two parts; total cost $35,000. Jane will bring this information to the town along with a request for “rules” signage to include no alcohol and no solicitations. Randall also suggested that a letter be set to the local restaurants reminding them that alcohol is not permitted off of their premises and that they need to be sure to post that and enforce it. The no smoking issue was discussed and whether we can restrict or not. It was decided that the town needed to take the lead on that issue. It was also suggested that all advertizing include no alcohol/no soliciting and that any signage needs to have a positive note restricting these.

Park Fundraiser – Concert: Betty went over the concert finances so far. She indicated that John Beegle donated BBQ and a discussion followed to decide if it should be used as food or as an auction item; it was decided to be used as an auction item. Dede went over the food and what she needed. Silent auction items were reviewed. Volunteer duties were reviewed. Set up will begin at 3 pm on Saturday. Any unsold tickets need to be returned so we could use them that night.

Trails in Floyd: Randall Wells met with Jim Shortt to discuss the “industrial park trail” legal issues. He indicated that Mr. Shortt was open to helping. Mike talked with George from Farm Bureau and indicated that George said his company could write a policy, but that the cost would be $767 per year for $1 million in liability coverage. The policy would also have to have the directors and officers be covered at $600-700 in liability. The trail would have to have signage indicating that trail maintenance was the responsibility of the PFF to cover either paid employee/contractor or volunteers. Mike indicated that it would not be effective or efficient to do this. Discussion followed and it was decided to table the industrial park trail project for now and concentrate in the trail project that will run through the town and the park. It was suggested that we approach the organization (Floyd 5K) that had raised monies for the industrial park trail project to see if they would be willing to transfer that money to the town trail project. Randall will pursue.

Comprehensive Plan: Nothing new to report.

New Business:




Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, June 21, 2010, at 6:30 pm at the Wall Residences Conference Room.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary

2010 April minutes

April 19, 2010

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Jane Cundiff, Marjory Wells, Randall Wells, Kamala Bauers, Ross Miller, Karen Thompson, Karin Grosshans, Molly Claxton, Gretchen Whitlock, Jack Wall, Betty Lineberry, Mike Maslaney, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes from March 15, 2010 were approved.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Kamala reported that we had a balance of $2,666.40. She reported that she paid for the post office box and will need to be reimbursed. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance of $14,086.00. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference. She indicated that we are set up for members to sell CD’s at the Jamboree, but that we need more people to cover all Fridays. Betty will have the banner, CD’s, etc, available for the members selling at the Jamboree. Selling times are from approximately 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.

Old Business:

Girl Scout Park Picnic Table Project: Gretchen Whitlock and Molly Claxton from the Floyd County Girl Scout troops presented a proposal to the PFF in regard to building picnic tables and benches for the new park. The girls explained that they wanted to do this as part of their “Gold Award” community service project. The girls passed around several designs for tables and benches. They indicated that they would be trying to get donations of wood and supplies and Miss Claxton had a relative who worked in wood and they would be consulting him for deign help, wood suggestion for durable wood, etc. They have to work 60 hours on the project. It was decided that the number of tables and benches would depend on how many the girls could make in 60 hours. The girls were reminded that the tables/benches would need to be anchored down and they would need to incorporate that into their project also. They were also reminded that the Town would need to have final approval on any design. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that we accept the project of Gretchen Whitlock and Molly Claxton to build benches and picnic tables for the park. Two designs were chosen.

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that the town meeting was successful and went very well. The contracts with Jeff Walker and Anderson & Associates for water management and soil investigation are completed and Jeff should be starting soon. The town is very supportive and anxious to get moving on the park. They are ready to go with the patio as soon as Jeff and Andersons are finished with their work. If work can begin on May 3, it could be completed by the Jamboree. The Jamboree is scheduled for June 19th. Several free concerts are scheduled in the park for May 1st, June 20th, and July 17th. Karen Thompson reported that the town had approved a measure that funds from any benefits held in the park will go to the park fund. This measure is in place until the park is completed. PFF will have a table in the park during the Jamboree.

Park Fundraiser – Concert: Betty reported that she needed everyone to sell tickets; that we needed to sell out all seats. She handed out flyers and poster to various members to post in location outside of Floyd County. Betty went over her concert find raising report, a copy of which is attached and incorporated by reference. She went over possible events that could be used for fundraising. Kamala, Jane and Marjory volunteered to set up a table during the Blue Cow Arts concert on May 1st.

Trails in Floyd: Randall Wells presented a letter from Trails in Floyd proposing that the PFF take on the “trails” project that the Trails in Floyd had been working on (a copy of the letter is attached and incorporated by reference). He reported that Trails in Floyd had to dissolve, had to return money, their president resigned, and the project could not be completed due to some liability issues that could not be resolved. He suggested the PFF could take on the “trails” under a special committee within the PFF. Mike suggested that before we take on the project, we needed to get some legal information from an attorney and information from an insurance company. Discussion followed. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that we create a special committee named the “Trails Committee”. The committee will oversee any trail projects of the PFF, including, but not limited to, the “Trails in Floyd” trail project located near the industrial park. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that we contact an attorney (Jim Short) and an insurance company (Farm Bureau) and obtain information on what would be needed to resolve the “Trails in Floyd” trail project liability issues.

Comprehensive Plan: Kamala reported that several members have been involved already with the Floyd Comprehensive Plan’s planning session and focus groups. Jane indicated that it was important that PFF continue to have a presence. It was suggested that the PFF attend the County Board of Supervisors meetings as we do the Town Council meetings. Kamala reported that there are grants available now to PSA’s for water/sewage management projects and that this is something the PFF can help with.

New Business:




Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, May 17, 2010, at 6:30 pm at the Wall Residences Conference Room.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary

2010 March minutes

March 15, 2010

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Jenny Traynham, Mac Traynham, Mike Maslaney, Mitch Cundiff, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Karen Hodges, Betty O. Lineberry, Karin Grosshans, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes from December 15, 2009, and January 19, 2010 were approved.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Kamala reported that we had a balance of $2791.40. She reported that an additional $90 had been received from dues.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance of $10,995.00 and had received an extra $1000 from StellarOne..

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that the committee work/meetings were postponed due to the snow. She reported that she, Jenny, and Mac were going to meet at the park on the up-coming Thursday to discuss placement of the music structures.
Karen H. reported that the Walker contract was still in negotiations. Jane will be attending the next counsel meeting. It was also reported that a Twon work session with PFF was scheduled for March 18, at 6:30 pm.

Park Fundraiser – Concert: Betty reported that the date for the Park Fundraising Concert is Saturday, May 29, 2010, at 7:00 pm. The concert will be held at the FCHS. Musicians include the Comptons, Statement, Windfall, and Betty is still looking for one more group. Betty reported that she was contacted by Mike Mitchell and Scott Perry about their students playing. Betty thought the students could play from 5:00 – 6:00 pm or the program could start at 6:30 pm with the students playing first. Admission will be $10 prepaid and $12 at the door. We will be paying the musicians $50 a piece. Betty indicated that we had extra tickets leftover from last year. She suggested that we have only 300 tickets with current information printed and use the old tickets for sale at the door. It was decided to reimburse Betty for printer ink. Betty will be checking with Elaine to see if she can make changes to last years program to use for this year. Clay Quesenberry will be printing the tickets, posters, programs, etc. Betty estimates that expenses will run from $1000 - $1200. Betty reported that we needed more sponsorships. Kamala volunteered to help Betty get more sponsorships. Sponsorships are due by April 15, 2010.
Karen Hodges and Dede McGrath will coordinate food and Bake Sale stuffs. Karin Grosshans and Kamala Bauers will coordinate the silent auction. Grey Lineberry will Emcee for us again. It was decided that a small public auction with a limited number of “special” items to be auctioned off during break periods. Baked items can be dropped off at the Hotel Floyd office. It was suggested that a 50-50 raffles might be good to include. It was suggested that we hand flyers out at all the upcoming events prior to the concert.

Park Fundraiser – Other: Betty reported that we still had approximately 96 CDs left. She asked for volunteers to sell CDs at the upcoming Jamborees for April and May prior to the concert.

Sustain Floyd: Jack reported they had hired a full time director, Mike Burton. Their goal is to work with the county and other groups to get projects going. It was reported that the community market is coordinated by a board. Jack also reported that the emphasis of the organization this year was agriculture with economic development, energy audit, garbage recycling, etc. They need volunteers to help with the farmers market. Their new website will be up by April 1st.

Trails in Floyd: Karin reported for Randall; his report is attached and incorporated by reference. It was also reported that Trails had been dissolved. Dede and Mike reported that a discussion regarding Trails and their project was discussed at a Comprehensive Plan planning session. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that we contact the Trails in Floyd organization to see where they are on the trails project. Kamala will coordinate.

New Business:

Comprehensive Plan: Discussion of the comprehensive plan was table for later.

Jubilee: It was reported that the Jubilee will be held June 19 from 11:00 am – 6:00 pm. PFF has no formal role. The jubilee committee is looking for volunteers.

Website: The Town of Floyd now has a link to PFF. They are looking for other links. Their website is

VA Tech Rt. 8 Project: Mason Cavella, a student from VA Tech, spoke to the board regarding a project that tech students are doing concerning land use on Route 8. The board suggested that there were several public events coming up in which the students could get public participation. A mapping session will be held on April 3.

Girl Scout Park Picnic Table Project: Betty presented a letter from Gretchen Whitlock regarding a girl scout project she will be doing. She wants to build and donate 2 picnic tables for the park. Betty indicated that Ms. Whitlock was told that the Town/PFF had to approve any designs. It was decided to have Betty invite her to the next meeting to present the project to the board.



Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, April 19, 2010, at 6:30 pm at the Wall Residences Conference Room.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2009 Dec minutes

December 15, 2009

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was not attained.

Present were: Jane Cundiff, Jon Beegle, Margie Wells, Randall Wells, Fred First, Karin Grosshans, and Dede McGrath.

The minutes from November 17, 2009, were tabled for approval for the next meeting.

This was an informal/Christmas social meeting; no business was conducted. A discussion was held regarding whether we should participate in the Town-County Comprehensive Plan. It was decided that this would be something the Partnership should be involved in. Further discussion was tabled for the next meeting.

Jane reported that Jon Beegle will be talking with the Town on Thursday.

Karin reported that she had received the SCC annual renewal notices. Dede will be responsible for the Administrative portion and the fees statement will go to the Treasurer.

The annual meeting was discussed as to whether we wanted to do refreshments, etc., but no decision was made. Karin will contact the board members due for reelection to see if they will continue with the organization.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Tuesday, January 19, 2010, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences. This will be our Annual Meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary

2009 November minutes

November 17, 2009

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Kamala Bauers, Mitch Cundiff, Mike Maslaney, Jane Cundiff, Jon Beegle, Margie Wells, Randall Wells, Fred First, Ann First, Mac Traynham, Jenny Traynham, Karin Grosshans, Becky Pomponio, and Dede McGrath.

The minutes from October 20, 2009, were approved as amended. The paragraph titled “Park Fundraising” under “Old Business” was deleted.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Dede reported for Jo that we had a balance of $2791.40.

Park Fund: Karin, reporting for Betty, reported that the Park Fund had a balance of $10,445.00.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that work was done on the fund raising pamphlet. She also reported that she spoke with Korene and that the Town is trying to get a representative to attend our meetings. Jane also reported that they talked about the water management issue and that Korene indicated that she will be getting with Jeff and that Jeff will be giving a presentation at the next Town meeting. Becky suggested that Jane talk with Jeff prior to the meeting to find out what he will be presenting.
Jane reported that so far everyone likes the patio design. The question was raise as to whether we can get started with only $10,000 in the fund.
Mac and Jenny reported that the High School is interested in helping to build the music shelters. They still need materials to build with and are still looking at several sources. They need people to look for stone for the bases. It was recommended to do an article in the newspapers asking people for stones and trees/wood. Mac would be the point of contact. It was reported that some concerns were raised about the shelters needing to be see though for safety purposes. Jenny indicated that the shelters would be enclosed with a lattice or with rhodadenras or mountain laurels and only on two sides. Jane indicated that the Town wanted to know the dimensions; Jenny estimated that the shelters would be 10 x 12 foot with 3 sides of benches and two enclosed sides. Jenny expressed concern regarding the shelters placements and indicated that they needed to be closer to the top of the park nearer to the music.
Mike gave a brief explanation of the water problems with the park and indicated that, park or no, the water issues need to be addressed and that VDOT is really responsible for fixing them but they can’t/won’t. The water issue needs to be resolved before we can begin the patio. The question was raise as to whether we could do a water feature in the park, however, the Town is leery of having one for safety purposes. It was suggested that one solution would be to use the excess water to irrigate the park by utilizing several drain lines.
Mike reported that he is still working on the parking lot design. He was attempting to scan the plat so that he could work up the design.
It was decided that at the next Town meeting on Thursday that we would try to get three issues decided: 1) water issue so that we can start work on the patio, 2) provide the dimensions of the shelters and get the okay for the shelters, and 3) have the pamphlet approved.

Park Fundraising Pamphlet: Becky presented a working draft of the pamphlet. The board went through the pamphlet and made changes, additions, etc. Becky will rework the draft based on the changes and send a revised draft to the members. It was noted to remember to send the draft to the Lineberrys and the Town for approval. Kamala will look into bulk mailing costs. It was suggested that we might be able to print the pictures in color on a white background and Mike said he had some similar printing done recently and that it was not as expensive as expected. Dede will look into how to do a “box holder” mailing. It was suggested that we have the envelopes preprinted also.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to spend up to $1500 from the Park Fund to have the pamphlet and envelopes printed.

Trails in Floyd: Randall reported that Dennis Anderson had resigned.

New Business:




Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Tuesday, December 15, 2009, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary