Tuesday, July 21, 2009

May meeting minutes 2009

May 19, 2009

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Mitch Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Jane Cundiff, Betty O. Lineberry, Karen T. Thompson, Karen Y. Hodges, Jo Mandzak, Becky Pomponio, Karin Grosshans, and Mike Maslaney.

The minutes from April 21, 2009, were read and approved as amended.

Treasurer’s Report: Jo reported that we had a balance of $4025.50. A copy of treasurer’s report is attached and incorporated by reference. Jo reported that we made approximately $180.34 from food sales from Earth Day and that we had a bill from the school for $272.06. A motion was made, seconded and approved to pay the bill. Kamala indicated that she and Jack will cover half of the bill as a donation.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that the grass has been seeded and is growing. She reported that Randal Wells was doing wonderful articles for the Floyd Press and Roanoke Times. Jane reported that we had new park pictures and Mitch was working on new CG pictures. A discussion followed regarding the park bank account. Jo suggested that all park related bills be paid from the park account. Discussion followed regarding the need to approve every park bill even if it were to be paid out of the park fund. It was determined that if the park committee brings a recommendation before the board for per-approval, then once approved, the related bills can be automatically paid without having to approve each individual bill. A motion was made, seconded and approved to transfer $1000 from the Partnership fund into the Park Fund. Betty indicated that she had a bill for the overage (after the $1500 from the Town) of the grass seeding. A motion was made, seconded and approved to pay this bill. Becky suggested that in-kind park donations be listed on the web-site. Karen mentioned a need for a park logo to go on park correspondence. After some discussion it was decided that the Town logo would be used and it is a town municipal park.

Blue Grass Concert: Betty Lineberry reported that the concert had a balance of $7632 in ticket sales and sponsorships. She also reported that Partnership had a booth at the Citizens Yard Sale and that, though they did not sell many tickets, they passed out a lot of flyers. Betty reported that she was holding concert related bills until after the concert. There will be a table for the artists to sell their CD’s and other items. It was suggested that we thank those who have done work on the park (in-kind donations) at the concert. A copy of her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Tour de Floyd Refreshment Stand: Kamala reported that Jack headed the stand for Partnership and served refreshments.

Taxes: Additional information was obtained regarding the Power of Attorney that Will Griffin needed in order to contact the IRS on the Partnerships behalf. The Power of Attorney was completed.

Jubilee: The Town of Floyd is sponsoring the Jubilee. It was reported that they will not be able to block off the street, but will have the new parking lot closed and it will be used for vendor stalls. Vendors fees will be $30 plus a $10 special event fee if they do not have a business license.

New Business:


Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Tuesday, June 16, 2009, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary