Thursday, October 18, 2012

September 2012

September 25, 2012

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order.  A quorum was attained.  This meeting was shortened so that members could attend the Floyd Comprehensive Plan Briefing being held this evening. 

Present were:  Myra Conner, Jane Cundiff, Ellie Roe, Ralph Roe, Betty Lineberry, Jack Wall, Margie Wells, Randall Wells, Anne Pendrak, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes:  The minutes from August 27, 2012, were tabled until the next meeting.

Treasurers’ Reports: 

General Fund:  The Treasurer’s report for the General Fund was tabled until the next meeting.

County Professional Support Fund:  The Treasurer’s report for the County Professional Support Fund was tabled until the next meeting.

Park Fund:  Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the checking account balance was $6161.05 and the total account balance was $9675.79.  Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.  She reported that she had deposited $2765.36 from the concert and had disbursed $4975 to Professional Builders and $1600 to JC Holden for pavilion work, and $1444.95 for various concert related bills.  She reported that we have finished paying Steve for the bills he submitted, but she did not know what we will owe Ed Irwin as he has not submitted any estimates.
Old Business:

Park Benefit Concert Report:  Betty reported that PFF raised $8787.31 for the Pavilion through the concert and other fund raisers.  The concert was a success. 

Park Planning Committee Report: 
Pavilion:  Jane reported that PFF had been awarded a grant of $5000 for the pavilion from the Larry Woodrow Vest Fund through the Roanoke Valley Community Foundation.  She reported that money needs to go specifically for the stage, but that we will now be able to finish the pavilion and the lighting.  Jane also indicated that we will need plaques for the structures.  Margie Wells will help Jane with the plaques.
Betty Lineberry reported that there was a crack developing in the concrete pad.  Jane reported that the building inspector would need to discuss the crack with Steve.  Steve has looked at the crack and has reported that it is not a structural concern, and that Ed will be instructing the stone masons to build up extra support.  Additionally a stone edifice will be built around it.

Land’s Sake! 2012:  A discussion regarding Lands Sake is still scheduled for the October meeting. 

New Business: 

Nominating Committee:  The following members were appointed to the Nominating Committee: Jane Cundiff, Anne Pendrak, and Dede McGrath.  The Annual Meeting will take place in January 2013.

VA’s Blue Ridge Music Festival:  Randall reported that a benefit gala will be held at the Eco-Village Community Center on Oct. 21st.  He has tickets.

Announcements:  None.

Meeting was adjourned.  Next meeting will be Monday, October 22, 2012, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath,
Recording Secretary

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