Sunday, August 7, 2011

June 2011 minutes



June 27, 2011

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Betty Lineberry, Anne Pendrak, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Jack Wall, Mike Maslaney, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes of the May 23, 2011, were approved as corrected.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Treasurer Karin was not at the meeting and sent her report. Her report indicated that we had a balance of $2501.93. She reported Lands Sake had an initial profit of $223.61, but that we had received some extra Lands Sake bills, so the net profit is actually $165.53. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Park Treasurer Betty that the park fund checking account had a balance of $9384.72 and that the overall park fund is $10,888.05. She reported that we made $48.28 from the Jubilee. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Jubilee: The membership discussed the recent Jubilee celebration and how disappointed the PFF was in its organization, execution, and attendance. It was mentioned by some members that if the festival does not improve, it is not worth the PFF attending as a vendor. Mike reported that the Town was aware of the poor turnout and other problems of the festival and is working on improving them. Mike also indicated that though everyone loved the music shelter and benches, one of the problems with the park is that there is nothing in the park for people to do or interact with. He also mentioned that there was discussion regarding having a mobile stage instead of a amphitheatre, however there will be problems with storage to overcome. Mike suggested that maybe an interactive water fountain might be a good element to have in the park. Many of the members agreed with this thought. It may be something to pursue in the future.

Park Planning Committee Report:

Working Meeting – Discussion was held on the park and where to go next. The Town has indicated that they feel the PFF is moving too fast on the park elements and wants to see a visual concept of the park and it elements. It was proposed that we ask the Town to have a joint working meeting to discuss the park. It was suggested to attend the next Council meeting on July 7 and request a park working meeting.

Dedication – The Park dedication is schedule for July 21 at 6:30 pm just prior to the start of the Town Council meeting. The PFF is invited. It was suggested that the PFF provide refreshments. Kamala indicated that the Town uses money made from tourism to help keep taxes low and that the park helps bring in some of the tourism dollars.

Charrette – It was proposed to hold another Ice Cream Social and informal charrette in the park this summer. It was suggested to have Steve Arthur to consult. It was also suggested that we could also include a small appreciation ceremony and present certificates of thanks to people who have helped with the park like Mac & Jenny and Phoenix Hardwoods, etc.

Park Fundraising: Betty indicated that we needed to do some work during the July meeting for the concert.

Trail – Jack reported that he went to the Board of Supervisors and that they agree to listen to our trails proposal. He also reported that he met with Dave Larson and that they checked out the proposed trail site. Jack indicated that the area is good for a trail. The land is still available and Dave is very enthusiastic and has maps and information on the land. Jack also indicated that Dave has more land available off Rt 8 for possible future trails but that it might need a culvert. Jack does not feel that it is a money issue that has the Board concerned. We will need to meet with the Recreation Authority. Dave indicated that he is willing to come to a meeting. It was suggested to also invite Virgil and Cheryl to one of the Breakfast Talks. Maintenance and liability remain the biggest obstacles, but there is a possibility of grant money and support through the Dept of Forestry and DCR.

TEA-21 –The contractor is trying to get a waiver.

Putt-Putt Golf Challenge: Dede reported that everything is in order for the Putt-Putt Challenge. She has at least 10 clubs and balls. She reported that the cost of the trophies will be under $75. The costs would include two large perpetuating trophies and five smaller trophies. The cost for the large trophies would be a one time expense. The smaller trophies would have to be purchased each year, but the total cost per year should stay under $25 total. Dede also indicated that for this first year we would have an initial output for clubs and balls. Mike, Dede, and Anne indicated that they would be entering a hole; there were no other entries at the time of the meeting, but Dede reported that we should have at least 5-6 holes. The membership was very enthusiastic and decided that even if that was all the holes they had, it will still be a fun event. Dede also reported that while she was researching, she found that to build a mini-golf course was not that expensive. A motion was made, seconded and passed to allot no more than $75 dollars for trophies for the event. Dede will contact the local trophy shop. Dede reminded the membership of the set up time for the Challenge.

Breakfast Talks: The next Breakfast Talk is July 7 at 7:00 am. It was suggested to have it involve trails and invite Virgil and Cheryl, and also to invite Randal and Dave.

New Business: None.

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, July 25, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath, Recording Secretary

MAY, 2011 minutes



May 23, 2011

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Jack Wall, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Karin Grosshans, Marjory Wells, Randall Wells, Dede McGrath, Anne Pendrak, Mitch Cundiff, Mike Maslaney.

Minutes: The minutes of the April 25, 2011, were approved as written.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Treasurer Karin reported that the balance for the general fund is $2278.32; her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Dede reported for Betty that there was no change in the balance for the park fund; it remains $10,850.93.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report:

Benches – Jane reported that she had met in the park with Karin, Lance, Mac, Lynn, and Corrine Graffie from Highland Hardwoods. They did a tour of the park to determine where the slab benches would be placed. Three possible places were discussed: one on the patio, one uphill from the locust tree, and one above the music shelter by the maple tree. Corrine thinks they can be in by the Jubilee. Donation recognition plaques would be needed for the benches. The council must approve the plaques. Also, the benches must be anchored down, but not permanently; they must be moveable. Mike suggested that perhaps the recognition could be burned into the wood instead of a plaque.

Shelter – Mac reported to Jane that the shelter will be done by the Jubilee. It will have a tin roof. He needed for us to determine what material we wanted for the benches. A suggestion was made to use Trex and accepted by the board.

Lighting – Jane reported that Woody indicated that the lighting for the patio would be in by the beginning of June.

Dedication – Jane reported that the Partnership is invited to the dedication on June 18 during the Jubilee. She also reported that the town council wants to wait on other elements of the park until they can see how the park is being utilized. They want a drawing of how the park could look. Jane pointed out that they had the drawings from the shurettes. It was suggested that we might want to have Richard Rosenburg (outside expert) come in and brief the council.

Park Fundraising: Betty was not present; no report. Participation in the Jubilee was discussed. It was reported that our fee will be waived and we will have a booth in the park. We will be selling hot dogs, possibly carrot dogs, chips, baked goods, and sodas/water. It was suggested to sell cups of water rather than bottled water. A grill will be needed; Jack indicated he might have a grill. The Jubilee is Saturday, June 18 and starts at 10:00. There was confusion as to when the event ended and exactly what would be in the park (vendors, non-profits, music?).

Land’s Sake!: Mike suggested to have John Hairfield come and give chain saw demonstration as he in a safety instructor.

Greenway/Trail Workshop – Jack reported that he attended the Luray Greenway workshop. He indicated that the community as a whole worked to get this trail and it is incorporated into the community. It would be hard to duplicate in Floyd and it is a large scale greenway with paved paths, bridges over the trail, bathrooms, etc. It is a very impressive greenway. However, it has some things we could duplicate or use in our planning of a trail. Luray worked with the Department of Conservation Resources (CDR) extensively. They may have resources we could tape into. Jack reported that Dave Larson was still interested in the trails project and his land is still available. Jack suggested we re-approach the Recreation Authority about the trails, but first we would need to get “all our ducks in a row” in regard to maintenance, liability, etc. He indicated that we need to take a firm attitude and not take no for an answer; we need to fight for. Jack suggested that we meet with Dave on his land and look over the possible route to note water features, etc. He suggested getting the schools and health businesses involved; possibly have education and exercise station along the route. Jack will set up a meeting with Dave on the land for Monday, June 13 at approximately 6:00 pm; it was suggested to invite Same Moore, the Roes, etc.

TEA-21 – The town council has approved a contractor and construction should begin soon – possibly this summer.

Putt-Putt Golf Challenge: Dede reported that she and Anne met to discuss the Putt-Putt Challenge and had worked out a few of the details. She sent out drafts of the flyers, guideline, rules, and entry forms to the board for review prior to the meeting. Dede reported that she would be meeting with Susan Leonard of the Merchants Association tomorrow to discuss the last of the details or any concerns for the challenge and 4th of July celebration. She also indicated that she is obligated to face paint for the celebration and will need to leave at 4:00 pm but that most of the set up and judging should be done by then, however, she will need help to referee, run, etc, the putt-putt once she leaves. She will continue to coordinate that event, send out information, get trophies, and clubs. She requested that all members help to look for clubs.

Breakfast Talks: Jack reported that he had spoken to Will Griffin and Lance regarding his proposes Breakfast Talks series; both had agreed to attend. The Talks would be informal conversations on issues in Floyd. These would be similar to what Andy Morikawa hosts on the 3rd Thursdays in Blacksburg at 7:30 am. We would invite people from different governmental agencies and other organization to get together and talk over breakfast at Wall Residences. We would have to be careful not to invite too many town council members as if we had two or more at the same time, it would be considered a formal meeting and we want to keep these informal. This would be a good way to get conversation going between the town and county. Some suggested topics included: the trail issue, PSA, etc. It was also suggested to ask attendees what topics are important to them. A motion was made, seconded, and approved for the Partnership to sponsor the Breakfast Talks. The Talks will be scheduled for the first Thursdays of the month. The first will be held on June 2nd at 7:30 am at Wall Residences.

Jack and Kamala also reported on possibly sponsoring a Community Activity Coordination workshop. Lee Chichester had started on one that was unable to come to fruition. This would be a good way to get many of the different organizations together and get dialog between them. It was suggested that this might also be a way to increase Partnership membership.

New Business:

Tour de Floyd: Jack reported that the Coordinator of the Tour de Floyd (Paul) is in need of help organizing and coordinating the event. Jack suggested that the Partnership might be able to help.

Announcements: None.

National Music Festival: The National Music Festival will take place throughout Floyd from May 29 – June 11.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, June 27, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath

Recording Secretary




April 25, 2011

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Mike Maslaney, Jack Wall, Lynn Carden, Betty Lineberry, and Anne Pendrak.

Minutes: The minutes of the March 28, 2011, were approved as corrected.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Karin forwarded her report to Jack via email. Jack reported for Karin that we had a balance of $2366.40. Karin disbursed $485 for awards for the Land’s Sake contests. Dede reported that we made money at the Land’s Sake event, but she would not have an exact figure until she could find out from Karin how much change we started with.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance was the same at $10,850.93.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that there was not a lot of new info. She has not had a chance to speak with Woody. Betty reported that the plants were doing well. Jane reported that Richard Rosenburg, a musician, was interested in helping with the amphitheatre design.

Park Fundraising: Betty suggested that we have a booth in the park at the up coming Jubilee Festival hosted by the Town. Discussion followed regarding possibly selling hot dogs or sandwiches and cakes, as well as the CDs. Concerns were raised regarding the Jubilee committee saying we could not sell hot dogs in the park. Mike volunteered to check with the committee regarding a booth, etc.

Land’s Sake!: Jane reported that the Land’s Sake event was a success, despite the weather. We had 24 vendors. Discussion followed regarding lessons learned and suggestions for the next event. It was suggested to expand the exhibitor portion and possibly allow them to be vendors and sell products. Jack suggested a possible theme for the next event: Greenway/Pathways. It was reported that task forces are being formed now and we may have some information from them by next year’s event. Partnership might be able to provide information on needs to support the task forces through Lydeana regarding land use policies.

Greenway/Trail Workshop – Jack reported that he was going to participate in the Greenway/Trail workshop with Doug Thompson. Jack thought that Floyd might benefit from a similar community workshop. Lee Chichester had attempted to get a grant for something similar, but did not get the grant. The idea is still viable and it was suggested that we should try for one. Mike suggested that if we have a trail, we should make it wide enough for a vehicle and pave it. This would allow a maintenance vehicle to move along the trail and make maintenance easier. We need to research the cost to make and pave a trail and present it to the Board of Supervisors.

New Business:

Putt-Putt Golf Challenge: Anne introduces a new possible idea for a fund raiser that she and Dede had discussed. The Putt-Putt Golf Challenge would be a design/build challenge for teams to design and build a putt-putt golf hole. Awards would be presented for different hole categories, then the public could play putt-putt on the holes. The members were interested in the idea. Dede indicated that she and Anne would put together some information and look at possible dates.

Breakfast Conversation: Jack indicated that he wanted to try to establish a monthly Breakfast Conversation gathering. He wants to have informal gatherings and invite different people as a means of generating cross-dialogue on concerns and needs of Floyd.

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, May 23, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath

Recording Secretary




January 17, 2011

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Linda Johnson, Mitch Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Lynn Carden, Mike Maslaney, Karin Groshans, Jane Cundiff, Anne Pendrak, and Betty Lineberry.

Minutes: The minutes of the November 15, 2010, were not ready and will be tabled for approval at the next meeting. Dede read from her meeting notes from November to bring members up-to-date. A social was held in December in lieu of a regular meeting.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Kamala reported that there was no activity; our balance remained unchanged: $2636.40. Kamala reported that our SCC renewal is due and that she will be sending a check to pay the renewal fee. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance of $10,366.42. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference. The $500 from the Floyd County Woman’s club was received and they will be making another donation in 2011.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that the patio was completed except for the lamp posts/lighting. Jon Beegle will be working on a recognition plaque for the patio. The first plaque will be for Jon for his donation of time and materials in the construction of the patio. The plaque will be similar to what the town used o the parking lot. Jon will bring the design to the PFF for approval.

Jane reported that she spoke with Mac and Jenny regarding the picnic shelter. They indicated that they were waiting for the weather to improve before continuing working on the shelter and that the students will continue to help with construction.

Jane reported that she talked to Mike Patton regarding the park, playground, etc. She felt that we needed to take the town council on a tour of the park when the weather is better so they can visualize where everything will go, etc. Jane reported that we had ownership of the playground design. PFF will have to make up criteria. It was suggested looking at the playground by the Baptist church as an example of size, etc. Betty will check on the cost of the Baptist church playground. Mitch will measure the area of the park set aside for the playground, as well as the church playground to determine a size limit to add to the criteria. It was suggested to include an age range (toddlers to 6 years) as part of the criteria. Seating for parents must be included.

Jane reported that Woody indicated that he could probably fabricate anything we might need; we just have to let him know.

Park Fundraising: Betty reported that the May 21 date will not work for the concert as the bands are either booked or there is too much competition at the country store. Several other dates were looked at and rejected as there was conflict of some sort with scheduling, other events, etc. In addition, Betty indicated that she was reluctant to hold an event at all and to continue to raise funds for the amphitheater if the town was not going to approve an amphitheater at all. Jane indicated that she felt that we should be able to get the amphitheater plan approved. Mike suggested that we ask the town council to form a committee within the council to work with us on the amphitheater project; he suggested Ross would be good on the committee. It was suggested that we look possibly at a fall time frame, such as October for the concert. Several suggestions for other bands were given. It was determined that we might have to pay the bands more that anticipated. Betty will look into an October date. Mac and Jenny would still like to participate and play for us at the event if needed. Jane and Kamala will go to the council meeting on January 20.

Earth Day 2011: Kamala reported that the date for the “earth day” event will be April 16. She will need help.

New Business:

Nominating Committee Report-Officer Elections: The Nominating Committee reported that the following board members have resigned: Sam Moore, Skip Pendry, Shannon Atkins, and Linda Petrie, leaving 7 open seats. The following board members up for re-election have agreed to stay for another term: Anne First, Jane Cundiff, and Karin Groshans. The following people have agreed to become board members: Jack Wall, Betty Lineberry, Anne Pendrak, and Jon Beegle. The slate of board members for election/re-election for 2011 is as follows: Anne First, Jane Cundiff, Karin Groshans, Jack Wall, Betty Lineberry, Anne Pendrak, and Jon Beegle, and 3 open seats. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the slate as presented. Dede will let the new board members know when their term expiration dates will be.

The Nominating Committee reported that the following people agree to serve in the following officer positions: Jack Wall – President; Mike Maslaney – Vice-President; Karin Grosshans – Treasurer; Jane Cundiff – Corresponding Secretary; and Dede McGrath – Recording Secretary. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the slate of officers as presented.

Dog Park Proposal: Linda Johnson (guest) presented a proposal to PFF for construction of a Dog Park at the Recreation Authorities’ Ball Fields Park. Linda indicated that she had contacted the Recreation Authority, but had not heard back from them at the time of this meeting. She is proposing a 200’x200’ fenced in area with a few benches and dog waste bag dispensers and disposal containers. The area would not have to be flat. She asked PFF for support of the project. The PFF expressed interest in the project; Linda will keep us informed on its progress and what we can do to help. A copy of the proposal letter is attached and incorporated by reference.

Up-Coming Events: Members were reminded that the Town Jubilee and Tour de Floyd were coming up and that PFF might want to participate as vendors or table sponsors.

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, February 28, 2010, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences. Note: this is the 4th Monday of the month.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath

Recording Secretary