Friday, November 18, 2011

october 2011 minutes



October 24, 2011

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Karin Grosshans, Mike Maslaney, Kamala Bauers, Danielle Courtois, Jane Cundiff, Ellie Roe, Ralph Roe, Betty Lineberry, Anne Pendrak, and Jack Wall.

Minutes: The minutes of the September 26, 2011, were approved as written.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that we have a balance of $2466.93; there was no change and no transactions from last month. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the park fund checking account had a balance of $16,658.39 and that the overall park fund balance was $18,165.59. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Park Fundraising: Betty reported that our income for the concert, before expenses, was $10,426.49; we had expenses of $2625.52; leaving a balance of $7783.97. Betty reported that she also received a donation of $500 from the Floyd County Woman’s Club. Betty further reported that the picture by Gibby Waitzkin did not get sold at the auction as the reserve of $200 was not met. A discussion was held regarding what to do with the picture. Several suggestion included selling or raffling it at the 2012 Lands Sake event or contacting members of the PPF who might be interested in purchasing the picture.

Park Planning Committee Report:

Betty reported that she had met with Swede McBroom and that he will donate/make two picnic tables. It was suggested to place them under the trees. Betty also reported that John Getgood , Lions Club, indicated to her that the Lions Club would like to donate two trees for the park. Betty will try to get more details from John on the type of trees and time frame.

Mike Maslaney reported that he had made a presentation on the park to the Rotary Club. He presented a need for a water fountain and presented a plan for a 3-level water fountain with a bottle filling station. The fountain would cost approximately $5000 without installation. Mike indicated that the Rotary will get back to us as to whether they will take on the project.

Jane reported that we need plaques for the plaques for the park. She will try to contact some of the local trophy places for prices and types.

Town Working Meeting: Members were reminded that the Town had requested to have a working meeting with PFF; the meeting is scheduled for November 17, 2011, at 6:30 pm at the Town Offices. Discussion was held regarding what topics to approach the town with and what to concentrate on. It was decided to concentrate on picnic tables, a water fountain, and more trees. It was also decided to find out what the Town’s (Lance’s) plans are for the handicapped ramp, sign, and spot leveling. It was decided that we would hold off discussing the shelter. Jane indicated that the Town is leaning toward a mobile stage to be used at the lower right hand site. Mike would like to discuss with the Town the possibility of building a second small shelter on the opposite side of the park from the first shelter. It was also suggested that we could discuss the possibility of a garden or walkway using plants to outline walkway path. It was suggested to invite John Getgood to the working meeting in regard to trees.

TEA-21: No new information.

Land’s Sake! 2012: The 2012 Land’s Sake event was discussed. It was suggested that we hold it in April, possibly the 14th or 21st, or May 5. A suggestion for possible topic was Energy Retrofit and getting a speaker from Charlottesville. It was suggested to try to get the use of the gym for more room, allow vendors to sell at their booths, have less speakers and more localized demonstrations, contacting the master gardeners, have a plant sale, and possibly have the vendors donated a small prize for use as a door prize or chance drawing. It was suggested to also look into using the elementary school gym and cafeteria if the high school was not available. Dede will send out copies of old minutes that contain other discussions of the event as a reminder of other thoughts and suggestions.

Comprehensive Plan Task Force Funding Grant: Kamala reported that Lydeana Martin indicated we were awarded the grant that PFF wrote to the Community Foundation to help with funding for the Comprehensive Plan Task Forces. There is no administrative funding for the Task Forces. The grant will help with paying interns from Virginia Tech, paying for professional consultants, etc. PFF will be doing the administration of the funding. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that we open a separate checking account for the administration of the grant monies.

New Business:

Nominating Committee: Members were reminded that the Annual meeting is coming up and board and officer elections will be held. A nominating committee was appointed with the following members: Kamala Bauers, Dede McGrath, and Karin Grosshans.

Gift: Randal reported that he had made a gift to present to the Traynhams for their help with the concert and the park. He had a picture that he took of them blown up and framed. Fred did the printing and Ron Campbell made the frame.

Weatherizing Seminar: Jack reported that a seminar on Weatherizing Your Home will be held on November 10, 2011, at the Country Store. He suggested that PFF consider providing refreshments. It was decided that if anyone wanted to donate refreshments to contact Jack.


Energy Expo: An Energy Expo will be held on November 3, 2011, in Roanoke.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, November 28, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath, Recording Secretary

September 2011 minutes



September 26, 2011

Vice-President Mike Maslaney presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Ananda Underwood, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Anne Pendrak, Betty Lineberry, Mike Maslaney, Ellie Roe, Ralph Roe, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes of the August 22, 2011, were approved as amended.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Mike reported for Karin that we have a balance of $2466.93; there was no change from last month. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the park fund checking account had a balance of $12,914.92 and that the overall park fund is $14,422.12. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report:

Mike and Jane reported that Jane had decided to step down as Chair of the Park Committee. We need to appoint another Chair. Jane agreed to continue to act as chair until a replacement can be found. It was suggested that an email be sent out asking for volunteers to act as chair. It was reported that the Town seems to be at an impasse in regard to the park development and do not want to add any elements to the park at this time, though they will be continuing with the plans and construction of a handicapped ramp next to the bathrooms and patio. Additionally, they will be looking at leveling some areas of the park. They also will be approving and coordinating the sign. The Town will be responsible for the playground cost and construction. Ellie reported that she had tried to get in contact with Mike Patton in regard to the playground, but that he had not returned her calls.

Tables/Benches – Ralph Roe reported that the Girl Scouts delivered two (2) benches for the park. The benches are very nice and made of cypress. It was decided to place them on the patio. Ralph purchased materials with which to anchor/chain the benches. He donated the cost of the material and labor.

Mike reported that the Town was to do a joint meeting with the PFF. It was suggested that a working meeting be set up for November 17. Mike felt that the picnic table should be the next priority. It was suggested that anyone who knew of woodworkers should contact them regarding doing a table for the park. Ralph passed around a picture of a sample table that was made with wood slabs. It was simple, but durable. It was suggested to email the picture out to the PFF and friends.

Park Fundraising: Betty went over the planning schedule for the concert. She indicated that we would not be assigning cards to individuals and that she would need volunteers to watch for who was bidding. Ralph and Betty will be the Auction helpers. Betty reported that she had $1400 worth of goods for the silent auction. She indicated that we needed more sponsorships still. Dede will be in charge of the food. She will be bringing table cloths. Ralph will help with set up; Ellie and Jane will take tickets at the door; Ralph and Ellie will handle signs; and Kamala will print the programs. Betty also indicated that we have a booth at the Arts & Crafts Festival and that she needs volunteers to man the table. Dede reminded the membership that we need baked goods.

TEA-21 – The contract has been let and is now at V-DOT for approval.

Breakfast Talks: Mike reported that Will Griffin, Bill Gardner, Jack and he attended the last Breakfast Talks. Topics for future talks were discussed including PSA. It was suggested to have PSA be the topic for October.

Land’s Sake! 2012 – No new info.

New Business:

Water Fountain: Mike reported that he will be making a presentation to the Rotary Club on the Park with a possibility of having the Rotary Club donate a water fountain as the Rotary Club is looking for water issue projects to do.

Grant: Kamala reported that the PFF wrote a grant to the Community Foundation on behalf of Lydeana Martin to help provide funding for interns to help during the land use meetings.

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, October 24, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath, Recording Secretary

August 2011 minutes



August 22, 2011

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Mike Maslaney, Kamala Bauers, Karin Groshans, Jane Cundiff, Betty Lineberry, Dede McGrath, Anne Pendrak, Jack Wall, Ellie Roe, Ralph Roe, and Margie Wells.

Minutes: The minutes of the July 25, 2011, were approved as written.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that we have a balance of $2466.93. The $58 made from Putt-Putt was deposited. Karin also reported that the donation made by the Roes for the Lands Sake was not used. It was agreed to apply that money toward the park. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the park fund checking account had a balance of $12029.42 and that the overall park fund is $13,535.34. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report:

Park Meeting – Jack reported that he attended the Town Council meeting held after they met with us in the park. He reported that the Town liked the idea of the “shelter” being moved to the other side of the park facing the back hill, but that, as before, the “shelter” could not have any sides and they were not sure if they wanted a permanent structure. The Town indicated that they would not be putting any money into the structure. Lance has been assigned to coordinate terracing some areas in the park; he will be working with Michael Short. Lance will also be coordinating the handicapped ramp construction. The Town proposed having the children from the schools design the playground. It was felt that the Town needed to coordinate with other organization to encourage them to hold events in the park.

Tables/Benches – Ralph Roe reported that the Girl Scouts will be delivering two (2) benches by September 15 and that they are still working on some tables. A discussion was held on picnic tables. Dede passed out some information she found on plastic tables kits that could be converted to Trex. It was felt that wood tables could be just fine. It was suggested to check with Zion as they had just purchased wood tables. Dede, Jane, Ellie, and Ralph will look into further.

Park Fundraising: Betty passed around two sign-up sheets for selling tickets, etc., at the Jamborees and the Arts & Crafts show. Betty indicated that we were now selling the CDs for $5 and that we would be giving a free CD to any one who purchased 2 or more tickets. We have very few CDs left and she wanted to get rid of them. Tickets are on sale at Bell’s Gallery and Odd Fellows.

Trails – Jack reported that Cheryl of the Recreation Authority is retiring this year and that we may want to table the trails project until next year. He indicated that Dave Larsen is willing to wait. Also, that will leave an opening on the Recreation Board. Dan Campbell suggested getting Dave and the Recreation Authority together. It was suggested to propose to the Recreation Authority that if they would pick up the liability, we would pay maintenance costs.

TEA-21 – No new info.

Breakfast Talks: The last Breakfast Talk of August had a discussion on trails (see above). A discussion was held regarding new topics for the next Talk to be held on September 1st. Several topics such as education, PSA, and trails were suggested. The “Sidewalks to School” Grant was discussed as a possible concern under education. It was suggested that we may want to invite people without a general topic to see if there was anything they wanted to discuss. A discussion was held regarding whom to invite.

Ice Cream Social: It was decided to table the social for the time being as the Town does not know when they want to do the park dedication.

Windmills: Jack made a short presentation presenting the other side of the windmill controversy. He gave additional information that addressed some of the concerns that were brought up by Kathleen Ingoldsby at the last meeting. He reported that the noise was not an issue, that they are quieter than she indicated, and that the lights are the same as exists on current cell towers.

New Business:

Land’s Sake! 2012: Jack initiated a discussion regarding having a Lands Sake for 2012. It was agreed that we wanted an event for 2012. Possible topics/elements were discussed including: Kid’s Gardening Crafts, a “Help The Planet” music contest, having Jason’s horse teams, having chain saw demonstrations, doing animal husbandry exhibits perhaps with the Cooperative Extention/4-H, allowing vendors to actively sell at their booths, etc. Dates were discussed with Jun 2 or 3, or 9 or 10 as possibilities. The Town Jubilee is usually held the Saturday before Father’s Day (June 17).

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, September 26, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath, Recording Secretary

July 2011 minutes



July 25, 2011

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Karin Grosshans, Mike Maslaney, Randall Wells, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Betty Lineberry, Jack Wall, Kathleen Ingolsby, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes of the June 27, 2011, were approved as read.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that we have a balance of $2408.93. A disbursement of $93 was made to Dede for Putt-Putt expense reimbursement for trophies and putters. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the park fund checking account had a balance of $9457.17 and that the overall park fund is $10972.50. She reported that we made $82.45 from the 4th of July Celebration and the booth fee was $10. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that the Town Council meeting and Park dedication was canceled and she did not get to request a working meeting with the Town. Discussion was held regarding the charrettes and recognition ceremony. Mike suggested deferring any park discussion until the next Town meeting Aug 18. Mike reported that the Town could not agree on a date for the dedication. He reported that Lance had been placed in charge of the coordination of the ramp construction. It was suggested to do the Social in September and invite know big money donors, all the Town residents, the Town council, and the County Board of Supervisors. The canopies for the social could be placed on the flat area near the restroom so that they could have access to water and electricity; the Putt-Putt would have to go in the lower flat area. Mike suggested meeting prior to Aug 18 to get together information to present to the Town on landscaping, structures, and attractions. Jane will update the park power point presentation. Mike also suggested that we not refer to the amphitheater and an “amphitheater” but as a “shelter”. He also reported that the Town liked the smaller music/picnic shelter and would like to see a similar larger shelter.

Park Fundraising: Betty indicated that planning for the benefit concert was going well. She reported that we received the tickets for half price as there was an error on the tickets; she is getting 35 posters for $35; and Wall residences will be doing the program. She indicated that we needed more sponsors and will need baked goods. She also thought that we should sell barbeque (and also hot dogs?); Dede will coordinate. She passed out flyers; Dede will send email flyers to her media/chamber contact list. Betty also indicated that we needed large auction items as well as smaller silent auction items. The live auction will take place during the first break. Jane and Randal will handle publicity. Betty passed around a sign-up sheet for people to sell ticket/pass out flyers at the Friday Jamborees.

Trail – Jack reported that the Recreation Authority was not very cooperative in regard to the proposed trail project. He suggested going ahead and starting the trail on Dave Larson’s land in order to get the Recreation Authority to enter conversation with us. It was suggested that we request a meeting with the Recreation Authority and include Dave Larson.

TEA-21 – No new info.

Putt-Putt Golf Challenge: Dede reported that the trophies only cost $63 and we spent $30 for the putters; these are one time costs. The only entries were all partnership members and no entries fees were paid; no income was made from entry fees this year. We made $58 from play. It was suggested that nest year we include an unlimited play pass. Since only PFF members entered, we did not award the trophies, so they can be used next year; only the plates will need to be updated. This event was fun and we will be doing it next year.

Breakfast Talks: The last Breakfast Talk of July 7 had a discussion on schools; Doug Phillips, Bill Gardner and Joe Cline attended. The schools need more support from businesses. Alternative education was also discussed. Suggested topics for the August Breakfasts Talks included trails and inviting Dan Campbell and Dave Larson, or possibly discuss PSA in regard to maintaining the current system and expanding new systems.

New Business:

Windmills: Kathleen Inglesby spoke to the Partnership in regard to her concerns regarding the possibility of a power company placing wind turbines on Wills Ridge. Kathleen presented information on wind turbine in terms of structure, noise, construction needs, wind speeds, etc. She indicated that in order to place the turbines on Wills Ridge, the company would have to blast a portion of the ridge line. This might endanger the fragile water systems in the county, would destroy the view shed, timber, and wildlife habitat. She also reported that the turbines are noisy. Additionally, she indicated that the parent company is non-US based and that profits would be going out of country and not benefiting the US economy. She also reported that many wind turbine facilities in the US have been abandoned and have become eyesores and problems. She indicated that as of now Floyd County has no real protection against them coming in and briefed the board on an ordinance in Patrick County that could help Floyd. She passed around a petition for interested people to sign.

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, August 22, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath, Recording Secretary