Thursday, August 19, 2010

2010 August Minutes

August 18, 2010

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained. Introductions were made.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Jane Cundiff, Ken Cundiff, Mitch Cundiff, Anne Pendrak, Karin Groshans, Ralph Roe, Ellie Roe, Ross Miller, Batty Lineberry, Kamala Bauers, and Jack Wall.

Minutes: The minutes of the May 17, 2010, and July 19, 2010, were distributed prior to the meeting. A motion was made, seconded and passed to dispose of the reading of the minutes and accept them as correct. There was no meeting in June 2010.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Kamala reported that we had a balance of $2671.40. She reported that we had received a check for $1400 from the Virginia Foundation of Humanities for the Country Store Concert Series by Woody Crenshaw. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance of $22,841.60. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference. She reported that she had paid the booth fee for two booths at the Citizen’s Flea Market. She asked if the price of the CDs could be changed. It was decided to change the price of the CDs to one of $10 and 2 for $15. Betty also reminder the members that PFF was obligated to the Town for $12,000 for the park patio construction.

Old Business:

Girl Scout Park Picnic Table Project: The Girl Scouts picnic table project was approved by the Town Council and they will be making the tables. Placement in the park shall be determined later.

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that PFF had received Town Council approval for the Traynham shelter design and trees for the park. The trees have already been planted. The trees were donated; PFF only had to pay for installation. Jane reported that Mike had volunteered to coordinate the bidding process. It is estimated that the patio and the picnic shelter could be finished by Thanksgiving.

Park Fundraising: Betty reported that we would have a booth at the Citizen’s Flea Market on Sep. 18, 2010. The Flea Market is from 7 am – 2 pm; Betty indicated that she urgently needed volunteers to help set up at 6 am and then to work during the day. Several people volunteered. She also requested items for the booth as well as baked goods; we have 2 booth spaces. It was suggested to also sell ham biscuit that morning; Kamala will follow up. Betty set up schedule for selling CDs for August and September.

Trails in Floyd: Karin reported for Randall that he had met with the new Town Manager Lance Terpenny. He said the meeting was good and that the Heritage Pathway (TEA-21) was at the point for bid solicitation and that the pathway could be completed by the end of November. (Report attached and incorporated by reference.) Betty reported that we had received a check from Trails-in-Floyd. She suggested placing the money in a 3-year CD until ready to use. A motion was made, seconded and approved to place the money in a 3-year CD. Betty will check the local banks to find the best interest rates.

Comprehensive Plan: There have bee several Comprehensive Plan session through out Floyd. Kamala and Jack, on behalf of PFF, supplied refreshments for the Willis meeting. Many members attended the Aug 12 meeting in Floyd. The meeting was very well attended and good information was given out.

New Business: The new Town Manager is Lance Terpenny.

Harvest Festival: Dede reported that she had been contacted by the Harvest Festival committee regarding participating in the Festival. She reported that the Harvest Festival has been revamped and was going to be held downtown and on Sep 11 (different date from Citizen’s Flea Market). Dede indicated that she thought we needed to support the Harvest Festival since they have may the effort to revamp it. A booth for information only is free and the festival does not run the whole day. It was decided that we would support the Harvest Festival and get a booth for information. Dede will contact Connie and set up. We will ask if we can get booth near park and have information on the park.


Green Building Tour: Jack announced that there was to be a Green Building tour in Floyd and they were looking for building/homes to showcase. For more information and dates, contact Jack.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, September 20, 2010, at 6:30 pm at the Wall Residences Conference Room.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary