Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nov 2011

November 28, 2011

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order.  A quorum was attained. 

Present were: Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauer, Betty Lineberry, Margie Wells, Randall Wells, Jack Wall, Karin Grosshans, Mike Maslaney, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes:  The minutes of the October 24, 2011, were approved as written. 

Treasurers’ Reports: 

General Fund:  Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that we have a balance of $2491.93; dues from a new member were received.  She also reported that the new County Professional Supports Account (to support the County Task Forces) has been opened and she had received a donation of $2000; current account balance is $2000.  The grant from Community Foundation was approved and we should be receiving the $3000 shortly.  The Treasurer’s reports are attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund:  Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the park fund checking account had a balance of $16658.39 and that the overall park fund balance was $18666.21.  The $500 from the Floyd County Woman’s Club was received.  Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: 
            Jane briefed the board on the meeting with the Town Council of November 11, 2011.  Several members went to the meeting.  Jane gave a slide presentation of what has been done so far and what we would like to see in the near future. (See attached notes)
            Shelter:  The Town approved the shelter-amphitheater, but not the final design/placement.  The Town indicated that they liked the no-wall design and the original proposed position, but would like to see the whole structure moved up the hill further and made slightly smaller.  Steve Arthur, Streamline Timber Works, will do the final drawings.  He also indicated that the current design could be built for around $18,000 (which we currently have in the Park Fund account).  Jane and Betty will stake out a proposed area for the shelter making it approximately 23’x21’.  The current shelter design is 24’H at the front and 13’ at the back.  If the Town approves the final drawings and location, it might be possible to start construction of the shelter in the spring.  The retail cost of the shelter would be approximately $35,000, but with the donations of materials, labor, etc, we may be able to build it for $18,000.  Electricity/lighting may have to be run from the bathrooms.  It was suggested to have a separate pole erected for the shelter electricity as the electric company can single out that pole and create a separate bill/ charges for specific events.
            Entrance Sign:  Jane asked the Town about the main entrance sign; the Town asked Jane to follow up with Woody regarding the sign. 
            Ramp:  Lane reported that the Town had a design for the ramp.  Ed Irwin will be doing the construction; construction should start soon.
            Rules Sign:  Lance indicated that they had a sign but had not yet put it up.
            Playground:  Mike was not at the meeting at this time – no new information.
            Trees:  The Lions Club (John Getgood) approached the Town separately regarding donating trees to the park.  The Town indicated that it was not ready for trees at this time; this project is on hold for now.
            Plaques:  Jane sent drafts of the verbiage on the various recognition plaques for those elements we have in the park currently.  Jane reported that she went to two trophy shops.  The first, Radford Signs, recommended bronze plaques estimated at $150 for a 2”x6” plaque.  The second, M&M Trophies in Floyd, recommended gold aluminum plaques estimated at $10 for a 2”x6” plaque.  It was decided to use M&M Trophies.  The Town approved plaques to be placed on donated elements and indicated that they did need to approve the verbiage.

TEA-21:  No new information.

Land’s Sake! 2012:  The 2012 Land’s Sake event was discussed.  Jack will be checking with the school regarding available dates; Apr. 14, 21 or 28, and May 5 have been suggested.  Dede indicated that Relay for Life way having a Bark for Life in that same period; she will confirm the Bark for Life dates and get back to Jack.  The guest speaker was discussed.  Ed McMahon was suggested however, his fees would be $2500 per day.  He speaks on preserving land values and creating green spaces.

Comprehensive Plan Task Force Funding Grant:  The grant was approved for $3000.  Lydeana and Jack will be attending the Award Breakfast on Nov. 30 for the grant presentation.

Nominating Committee:  Members were reminded that the Annual meeting is coming up and board and officer elections will be held.  Nominating committee members are: Kamala Bauers, Dede McGrath, and Karin Grosshans.

Breakfast Talks:    Jack indicated that he will be inviting Ross Miller to the December Breakfast Talks.  Will Griffin and Michael Shortt will also be attending.  Jack also suggested inviting the new School Superintendant, Dr. Kevin Harris, to one of the talks.

New Business: 

Community Outreach:  Randall briefed the members on the Young Actors Co-op and made the suggestion to contact them and offer our support to the in terms of grant writing, etc.  He will contact Rose McCutcheon and explore further.


Meeting was adjourned.  Next meeting will be Monday, January 23, 2012, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences. 

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary

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