Tuesday, August 28, 2012

May 2012

May 28, 2012

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order.  A quorum was attained. 

Present were:

Minutes:  The minutes of March 26, 2012, were accepted as read.  The minutes of April 24, 2012, were accepted as corrected.

Treasurers’ Reports: 

General Fund:  Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that the general fund had a balance of $2102.93; her report is attached and incorporated by reference.  She received fees from 2 vendors, but still has some outstanding bill to pay for Land’s Sake!  Dede reported that she had approx $93 from food sales to turn in.

County Professional Support Fund:  Karin reported that there was no change in the County Prof Sup Fund; the balance remains at $4472.50.  She reported that they had just sent out some bills and that there also would be a summer intern.  Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund:  Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the checking account balance $17,295.13 and the total account balance is $20,807.66.  Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.
Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: 
            Handicapped Ramp:  The ramp has been marked out near the bathroom as construction should start soon.
Pavilion:  Jane reported that she, Mike Maslaney, Anne Pendrak, and the Wells met at the park.  The base of the pavilion had been filled.  The ramp will be located on the right side and will be mostly an earthen ramp. 
            Betty Lineberry reported that she had an offer from Professional Builders that they could complete the top of the pavilion and give us a $5000 discount if they could do the work now.  We would have to sign the contract by the end of July.  Betty reported that we do not have enough to complete the top now (need $25,000 more), but that the Town had indicated that they might donate $10,000 to the pavilion project.  Betty indicated that if we could get the Town to donate $10,000 this fiscal year and $5000 next fiscal year (which would begin in July) and we raise the rest (approx $10,000) we might be able to get the pavilion completed this year.  Betty presented a proposal to the Town asking for the $15,000, which she wants to present on 6/7/12.  She also proposed waiting to pay some of the bills she has received until the Town gave us the $15,000.  Jack indicated that the bills and the estimates don not match; Betty felt that we needed more supporting documentation for the bills.  Discussion followed regarding the proposal, the Towns donation amounts, paying the bills and not holding them, that the invoices did not match the estimates, and that we needed itemized bills from the sub-contractors/suppliers as supporting documentation to go with the invoices/bills.  The following motions were made:
            A motion was made, seconded, and passed to pay the following two bills: 1) $754 to Michael Shortt, and 2) $5193.76 to Professional Builders.
            Betty made a motion to wait to pay both bills until after we receive copies of the itemized bills from the sub-contractor/suppliers from Professional Builders.  The motion was seconded and passed.
            A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve Betty’s proposal for asking the Town for $15,000 and that the proposal be presented to the Town at their next Town meeting on 6/17/12.
            Further discussion took place about possible fund raising strategies for raising the $10,000 we would need.  Several suggestions included obtaining a copy of the library donor list and contacting theses donors, news articles, etc.   Betty indicated that our next bluegrass concert, tentatively schedule for 9/15/12, would likely bring in close to $10,000 as that is what we have averaged with the last ones.

Land’s Sake! 2012:  Jane gave an overview of Land’s Sake.  It was not as well attended, though the overall event was better.  Discussion followed regarding how to increase attendance, increase youth/children participation, overall event formatted: seminar or show/vendor, possible alternative venue sites such as Wall Residence Center, and sign and advertising amounts.

New Business: 

Putt-Putt Challenge:  Dede reported that we will be doing the Putt-Putt Challenge again this year at the 4th of July event.  Information has already been put out in the newspaper.  There should be no other expenditures except for up-dating the plaques on the trophies as we did not use them last year.  Dede reported that she already had one inquiry for the challenge.  Set up will be at 1:30 pm at the FCHS ball fields.  4th of July activities start at 4:00 pm.

Announcements:  None.

Meeting was adjourned.  Next meeting will be Monday, June 25, 2012, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences. 

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath,
Recording Secretary

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