Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jan 2012

January 23, 2012

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order.  A quorum was attained. 

Present were: Mike Maslaney, David Larsen, Jack Wall, Kamala Bauers, Jane Cundiff, Anne Pendrak, Gunther Hauk, Karin Grosshans, Dana Beegle, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes:  The minutes of the November 28, 2011, were approved as corrected. 

Treasurers’ Reports: 

General Fund:  Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that we have a balance of $2376.93 in the General fund; payment was made to the SCC for our annual corporation fees and the donation of $90 from the Roe’s was transferred to the Park fund.  She reported that the balance for the County Professional Support fund was $5500; the grant money and another $500 donation was deposited.  She also reported that the two interns are being considered contractors for pay purposes.  Karin reported that the still needed to turn in their time sheets.  Concern was expressed that they need to do more or we may not be able to fully utilize all of the grant money and there might be a need to bring in other professionals.  The Trails CD has a balance of $1464.03.  Her reports are attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund:  Karin reported for Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry that the park fund checking account had a balance of $16,991.23, and that the overall park fund balance was $19,000.00.  Donations in the total amount of $392.84 were deposited.  The Park Treasurer’s report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Nominating Committee:  Karin reported for the Nominating Committee.  The four members (Dede McGrath, Kamala Bauers, Jon Beegle, and Anne Pendrak) whose terms were expiring all agree to continue on for another term; there were no other nominations to the board – three (3) seats remain open.  A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the slate as presented.  Officer elections will be table until the February meeting.

Park Planning Committee Report: 
            Jane reported the following:
            Shelter:  Betty is getting Steve Arthur to give us an estimate for the cost of the shelter; he is trying to keep near our budget.  Steve is available to build the shelter, but the Town may have government restrictions they must meet and may have to bid the contract out; we might want to see how we can get around that.  Steve will also give us a list of material that we will need to get donated.  Jane and Betty staked the new area for the shelter. 
            Mac and Jenny hope to finish the vine and brick/stone work on the smaller music shelter soon.
            Entrance Sign:  Woody is still working on the design; it will still be a floral/trellis design.  He estimates he should have it in the next couple of weeks and may be able to put up this spring. 
            Ramp:  No new information.
            Rules Sign:  No new information.
            Playground:  No new information.
            Plaques:  Jane reported that the wording on the Patio Plaques could use some more work.  She sent our drafts of the plaque wording to all board members for editing (attached).  She also reported that we will need plaques for the new picnic tables from Swede McBroom.

TEA-21:  Price Construction was awarded the contract, but work has not started.

Land’s Sake! 2012:  The 2012 Land’s Sake event was discussed.  Jack reported that the date is May 5 from 7:00 am – 5:00 pm at the FCHS.  We will have use of the lobby, old gym, cafeteria, and auditorium.  He indicated that this might not be the best time to bring in an expensive keynote speaker (Ed McMahon); that we may want to use local again such as Barbara Pleasant as she was very popular last year.  Jack proposed having the Task Forces (Agriculture & Forestry Task Force and Land Policy Task Force) give a briefing of their work along with a comprehensive plan overview.  It was also suggested to have more short presentation that could be repeated several times during the day in the gym vendor area then longer presentation.  It was suggested to have Lydeana Martin and Barbara Pleasant as the keynote speakers.  Although Jack felt that Ed McMahon was still a good possibility as he speaks regarding zoning issue.  It was also suggested to invite Jeremy Moles as he is working to build a slaughter house in this area.  It was suggested to contact Sustain Floyd.  A committee will be formed for planning purposes.

Breakfast Talks:    Jack reported that Dan Campbell, Gary Crouch, and Bill Gardner attended the December Breakfast Talks.  They discussed water and sewage and indicated that though the system is not as bad as it seems, it still needs work.

New Business: 

Spikenard Honey Bee Sanctuary:  Gunther Hauk from the Spikenard Honey Bee Sanctuary spoke to the board regarding the work being done at the sanctuary.  They are a non-profit organization.  They offer education and research workshops.  The Sanctuary has been open for two years and is growing; they are planning on purchasing the land and building a structure to be use for teaching.  He indicated there is a need for operating funds and indicated that he needed help with grant writing.

Trails:  Jack gave an update on the Recreation Park Trail (1.5 mile trail at the Recreation Ball Fields).  He indicated that the staff at the Recreation Authority works a lot of unpaid hours and that they are very underfunded.  It would be difficult for them to take on another project without more funding and help.  He talked with Mac McCutcheon, a former member of the Rec Board, who indicated the county attorney is still saying that liability is the main issue.  David Larsen is still willing to grant the easement for the trail on his portion of the property.  Jack indicated that if we want the trail, we need to come up with a proposal and plan that addresses these issues and provides funding for them, such as: offering to pay the difference in the liability insurance to add trail coverage to existing coverage, create an escrow account for maintenance, apply for Dept of Forestry grants, etc.  Dennis Anderson has indicated to Jack that he is willing to donate his time and machinery to build the trail.  A suggestion was made to create a web page to ask for volunteers.  An outside organization like PFF would have to take on the responsibility of maintenance.  A committee was formed to include Jack Wall, Mike Maslaney, David Larsen, and Randall & Marjorie Wells.  The committee with research the trails issue for a possible presentation of a Trails plan to the Recreation Authority in March.  The Recreation Authority Board meets every 2nd Tuesday.

School Superintendent:  Jack reported that he and Kamala met with the new School Superintendent Dr. Kevin Harris.  He reported that Dr. Harris is very open to more community involvement in the schools.  They discussed a Community-in-Schools program and creating a non-profit board for educational improvement.

Announcements:  None.

Meeting was adjourned.  Next meeting will be Monday, February 27, 2012, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.  There will be Officer elections at this meeting.  Contact the Nominating Committee if you would like to serve.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary

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