Friday, November 18, 2011

october 2011 minutes



October 24, 2011

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Karin Grosshans, Mike Maslaney, Kamala Bauers, Danielle Courtois, Jane Cundiff, Ellie Roe, Ralph Roe, Betty Lineberry, Anne Pendrak, and Jack Wall.

Minutes: The minutes of the September 26, 2011, were approved as written.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that we have a balance of $2466.93; there was no change and no transactions from last month. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the park fund checking account had a balance of $16,658.39 and that the overall park fund balance was $18,165.59. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Park Fundraising: Betty reported that our income for the concert, before expenses, was $10,426.49; we had expenses of $2625.52; leaving a balance of $7783.97. Betty reported that she also received a donation of $500 from the Floyd County Woman’s Club. Betty further reported that the picture by Gibby Waitzkin did not get sold at the auction as the reserve of $200 was not met. A discussion was held regarding what to do with the picture. Several suggestion included selling or raffling it at the 2012 Lands Sake event or contacting members of the PPF who might be interested in purchasing the picture.

Park Planning Committee Report:

Betty reported that she had met with Swede McBroom and that he will donate/make two picnic tables. It was suggested to place them under the trees. Betty also reported that John Getgood , Lions Club, indicated to her that the Lions Club would like to donate two trees for the park. Betty will try to get more details from John on the type of trees and time frame.

Mike Maslaney reported that he had made a presentation on the park to the Rotary Club. He presented a need for a water fountain and presented a plan for a 3-level water fountain with a bottle filling station. The fountain would cost approximately $5000 without installation. Mike indicated that the Rotary will get back to us as to whether they will take on the project.

Jane reported that we need plaques for the plaques for the park. She will try to contact some of the local trophy places for prices and types.

Town Working Meeting: Members were reminded that the Town had requested to have a working meeting with PFF; the meeting is scheduled for November 17, 2011, at 6:30 pm at the Town Offices. Discussion was held regarding what topics to approach the town with and what to concentrate on. It was decided to concentrate on picnic tables, a water fountain, and more trees. It was also decided to find out what the Town’s (Lance’s) plans are for the handicapped ramp, sign, and spot leveling. It was decided that we would hold off discussing the shelter. Jane indicated that the Town is leaning toward a mobile stage to be used at the lower right hand site. Mike would like to discuss with the Town the possibility of building a second small shelter on the opposite side of the park from the first shelter. It was also suggested that we could discuss the possibility of a garden or walkway using plants to outline walkway path. It was suggested to invite John Getgood to the working meeting in regard to trees.

TEA-21: No new information.

Land’s Sake! 2012: The 2012 Land’s Sake event was discussed. It was suggested that we hold it in April, possibly the 14th or 21st, or May 5. A suggestion for possible topic was Energy Retrofit and getting a speaker from Charlottesville. It was suggested to try to get the use of the gym for more room, allow vendors to sell at their booths, have less speakers and more localized demonstrations, contacting the master gardeners, have a plant sale, and possibly have the vendors donated a small prize for use as a door prize or chance drawing. It was suggested to also look into using the elementary school gym and cafeteria if the high school was not available. Dede will send out copies of old minutes that contain other discussions of the event as a reminder of other thoughts and suggestions.

Comprehensive Plan Task Force Funding Grant: Kamala reported that Lydeana Martin indicated we were awarded the grant that PFF wrote to the Community Foundation to help with funding for the Comprehensive Plan Task Forces. There is no administrative funding for the Task Forces. The grant will help with paying interns from Virginia Tech, paying for professional consultants, etc. PFF will be doing the administration of the funding. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that we open a separate checking account for the administration of the grant monies.

New Business:

Nominating Committee: Members were reminded that the Annual meeting is coming up and board and officer elections will be held. A nominating committee was appointed with the following members: Kamala Bauers, Dede McGrath, and Karin Grosshans.

Gift: Randal reported that he had made a gift to present to the Traynhams for their help with the concert and the park. He had a picture that he took of them blown up and framed. Fred did the printing and Ron Campbell made the frame.

Weatherizing Seminar: Jack reported that a seminar on Weatherizing Your Home will be held on November 10, 2011, at the Country Store. He suggested that PFF consider providing refreshments. It was decided that if anyone wanted to donate refreshments to contact Jack.


Energy Expo: An Energy Expo will be held on November 3, 2011, in Roanoke.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, November 28, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath, Recording Secretary

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