Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Feb 2012

February 27, 2012

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order.  A quorum was attained. 

Present were: Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Anne Pendrak, Betty Lineberry, Karin Grosshans, Jack Wall, Mike Maslaney, Dana Beegle, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes:  The minutes of the January 23, 2012, were approved as corrected. 

Treasurers’ Reports: 

General Fund:  Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that there were no transaction this month; balance remains at $2376.93 in the General fund.  She also reported that there were no transactions in the County Professional Support Fund; balance remains $5500.  Jack reported that checks were recently written for $350 and $150; these have not cleared yet.  Jack reported that Mike Maslaney, Lydeana Martin, and he have been in discussion regarding hiring a summer intern for the Task Forces.  The Treasurer’s report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund:  Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that we have a balance of $16,991.23 in the checking account, and a total accounts balance of $20,501.23.  She also reported that the Floyd County Woman’s Club had made a donation of $1500 for the park/amphitheater.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: 
            Jane reported the following:
            Shelter:  Jane reported that she and several members of the PFF attended the Town meeting.  Heather Krants preceded PFF and discussed with the Council the Town Jubilee and her ideas for more events in the park.  Her discussion added some support to our request for a larger shelter/amphitheater. 
            Jane reported that Steve has given us a rough estimate of $25, 620 for the shelter, however this does not include the foundation, ramp, or electrical.  She reported that Ed Irwin estimates that the total shelter could cost $42,000 - $50,000; this cost will be less if we can get donations of supplies, lab, etc.  He made suggestions as to how to build more inexpensively.  The PFF agreed that the base needed to be concrete, but that it did not need to be solid.  Jane will meet with Ed Irwin again and discuss other options. 
            Mike reported that Michael Shortt, Ed Irwin and he will be having a meeting at the park coming up that week.  Mike indicated that the base slab alone could cost $4000 - $5000 depending on how it goes in, and that it could be made of concrete block with rebar and open underneath so the area could be used for storage.  Their meeting will also discuss how to do the shelter more economically.   Mike will try to meet with Mark Bolt (building inspector) to get a ruling on the ramp, if it has to be ADA or not.  It was suggested to have Steve be part of that meeting.
            Jane further reported that the Town had agreed for PPF to assume control of the project so that it will not have to be bid out, etc, as it would if it were a government project.  The Town may add some money to the project.
            It was decided that we could build the shelter in parts with the slab being constructed first.  The slab could be then be used while we are raising money to finish the rest of the shelter.
            Entrance Sign:  No new info; Woody is still working on it.

Nominating Committee:  Karin reported that the officers currently holding officer positions have all agreed to serve another term in their respective position: President – Jack Wall, Vice-President – Mike Maslaney, Secretary – Dede McGrath, General Treasurer – Karin Grosshans, and Park Treasurer – Betty Lineberry.  A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the slate of officers as presented.

Land’s Sake! 2012:  The 2012 Land’s Sake event was discussed.  Planning meetings will be held at the school with Gary Bobbitt and Barbara Pleasant attending.  Several speakers have already been confirmed.  It was decided that there would not be a farmers panel but a Task Force panel instead.  PFF will have both a general booth and a Park booth.   Jon Beegle has agreed to do food; he will have BBQ.  It was suggested to see if we could get one more food vendor; Dog Town or Odd Fellows, etc.  There will possibly be a seed project for children.
            Betty reported that Dog Town wanted to sponsor a fund raiser for the park and was looking to possibly do a movie night in the park.

Trails:  Jack’s Trail proposal was discussed; the proposal is attached and coordinated by reference.  The proposal included some of the following: (1) PFF to pay different in liability coverage to add the trail to the Rec Authorities current policy; (2) design a system for reporting trail maintenance issues; and (3) setting up an escrow account to pay for maintenance.  Dennis Anderson has volunteered his time and equipment to build and David Larson still has offered his easement for his land.  Additionally PFF could try for a Dept of Forestry Planning grant to help with design and a survey of the trail land.  Discussion was held; it was decided to change paragraph 2 to read “PFF would consider to pay…” instead of “PFF would agree to pay…”.  A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept Jack proposal with correction, and for Jack to present the proposal to the Rec Authority.  The next Rec Authority meeting is March 12 at 6:00 pm.

Community in Schools:  Jack reported that he was continuing to work with the Floyd schools on the Community in Schools program and that they were trying to get the program in place to start in the fall.  He reported that there was a need to create a Task Force to create and conduct a needs and educational assessment.

New Business: 

Public Banner Coordinator:  Kamala reported that the Town Council had approached PFF to take over coordinating/scheduling the hanging of public advertizing banners over Locust Street.  After some discussion it was decided that PFF needed the Town Council to come to one of our meeting and present their proposal to the PFF.

Announcements:  None.

Meeting was adjourned.  Next meeting will be Monday, March 26, 2012, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences. 

Respectfully submitted, Dede McGrath, Recording Secretary

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