Friday, November 18, 2011

July 2011 minutes



July 25, 2011

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Karin Grosshans, Mike Maslaney, Randall Wells, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Betty Lineberry, Jack Wall, Kathleen Ingolsby, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes of the June 27, 2011, were approved as read.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that we have a balance of $2408.93. A disbursement of $93 was made to Dede for Putt-Putt expense reimbursement for trophies and putters. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the park fund checking account had a balance of $9457.17 and that the overall park fund is $10972.50. She reported that we made $82.45 from the 4th of July Celebration and the booth fee was $10. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that the Town Council meeting and Park dedication was canceled and she did not get to request a working meeting with the Town. Discussion was held regarding the charrettes and recognition ceremony. Mike suggested deferring any park discussion until the next Town meeting Aug 18. Mike reported that the Town could not agree on a date for the dedication. He reported that Lance had been placed in charge of the coordination of the ramp construction. It was suggested to do the Social in September and invite know big money donors, all the Town residents, the Town council, and the County Board of Supervisors. The canopies for the social could be placed on the flat area near the restroom so that they could have access to water and electricity; the Putt-Putt would have to go in the lower flat area. Mike suggested meeting prior to Aug 18 to get together information to present to the Town on landscaping, structures, and attractions. Jane will update the park power point presentation. Mike also suggested that we not refer to the amphitheater and an “amphitheater” but as a “shelter”. He also reported that the Town liked the smaller music/picnic shelter and would like to see a similar larger shelter.

Park Fundraising: Betty indicated that planning for the benefit concert was going well. She reported that we received the tickets for half price as there was an error on the tickets; she is getting 35 posters for $35; and Wall residences will be doing the program. She indicated that we needed more sponsors and will need baked goods. She also thought that we should sell barbeque (and also hot dogs?); Dede will coordinate. She passed out flyers; Dede will send email flyers to her media/chamber contact list. Betty also indicated that we needed large auction items as well as smaller silent auction items. The live auction will take place during the first break. Jane and Randal will handle publicity. Betty passed around a sign-up sheet for people to sell ticket/pass out flyers at the Friday Jamborees.

Trail – Jack reported that the Recreation Authority was not very cooperative in regard to the proposed trail project. He suggested going ahead and starting the trail on Dave Larson’s land in order to get the Recreation Authority to enter conversation with us. It was suggested that we request a meeting with the Recreation Authority and include Dave Larson.

TEA-21 – No new info.

Putt-Putt Golf Challenge: Dede reported that the trophies only cost $63 and we spent $30 for the putters; these are one time costs. The only entries were all partnership members and no entries fees were paid; no income was made from entry fees this year. We made $58 from play. It was suggested that nest year we include an unlimited play pass. Since only PFF members entered, we did not award the trophies, so they can be used next year; only the plates will need to be updated. This event was fun and we will be doing it next year.

Breakfast Talks: The last Breakfast Talk of July 7 had a discussion on schools; Doug Phillips, Bill Gardner and Joe Cline attended. The schools need more support from businesses. Alternative education was also discussed. Suggested topics for the August Breakfasts Talks included trails and inviting Dan Campbell and Dave Larson, or possibly discuss PSA in regard to maintaining the current system and expanding new systems.

New Business:

Windmills: Kathleen Inglesby spoke to the Partnership in regard to her concerns regarding the possibility of a power company placing wind turbines on Wills Ridge. Kathleen presented information on wind turbine in terms of structure, noise, construction needs, wind speeds, etc. She indicated that in order to place the turbines on Wills Ridge, the company would have to blast a portion of the ridge line. This might endanger the fragile water systems in the county, would destroy the view shed, timber, and wildlife habitat. She also reported that the turbines are noisy. Additionally, she indicated that the parent company is non-US based and that profits would be going out of country and not benefiting the US economy. She also reported that many wind turbine facilities in the US have been abandoned and have become eyesores and problems. She indicated that as of now Floyd County has no real protection against them coming in and briefed the board on an ordinance in Patrick County that could help Floyd. She passed around a petition for interested people to sign.

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, August 22, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath, Recording Secretary

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