Friday, November 18, 2011

September 2011 minutes



September 26, 2011

Vice-President Mike Maslaney presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Ananda Underwood, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Anne Pendrak, Betty Lineberry, Mike Maslaney, Ellie Roe, Ralph Roe, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes of the August 22, 2011, were approved as amended.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Mike reported for Karin that we have a balance of $2466.93; there was no change from last month. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Park Treasurer Betty Lineberry reported that the park fund checking account had a balance of $12,914.92 and that the overall park fund is $14,422.12. Her report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report:

Mike and Jane reported that Jane had decided to step down as Chair of the Park Committee. We need to appoint another Chair. Jane agreed to continue to act as chair until a replacement can be found. It was suggested that an email be sent out asking for volunteers to act as chair. It was reported that the Town seems to be at an impasse in regard to the park development and do not want to add any elements to the park at this time, though they will be continuing with the plans and construction of a handicapped ramp next to the bathrooms and patio. Additionally, they will be looking at leveling some areas of the park. They also will be approving and coordinating the sign. The Town will be responsible for the playground cost and construction. Ellie reported that she had tried to get in contact with Mike Patton in regard to the playground, but that he had not returned her calls.

Tables/Benches – Ralph Roe reported that the Girl Scouts delivered two (2) benches for the park. The benches are very nice and made of cypress. It was decided to place them on the patio. Ralph purchased materials with which to anchor/chain the benches. He donated the cost of the material and labor.

Mike reported that the Town was to do a joint meeting with the PFF. It was suggested that a working meeting be set up for November 17. Mike felt that the picnic table should be the next priority. It was suggested that anyone who knew of woodworkers should contact them regarding doing a table for the park. Ralph passed around a picture of a sample table that was made with wood slabs. It was simple, but durable. It was suggested to email the picture out to the PFF and friends.

Park Fundraising: Betty went over the planning schedule for the concert. She indicated that we would not be assigning cards to individuals and that she would need volunteers to watch for who was bidding. Ralph and Betty will be the Auction helpers. Betty reported that she had $1400 worth of goods for the silent auction. She indicated that we needed more sponsorships still. Dede will be in charge of the food. She will be bringing table cloths. Ralph will help with set up; Ellie and Jane will take tickets at the door; Ralph and Ellie will handle signs; and Kamala will print the programs. Betty also indicated that we have a booth at the Arts & Crafts Festival and that she needs volunteers to man the table. Dede reminded the membership that we need baked goods.

TEA-21 – The contract has been let and is now at V-DOT for approval.

Breakfast Talks: Mike reported that Will Griffin, Bill Gardner, Jack and he attended the last Breakfast Talks. Topics for future talks were discussed including PSA. It was suggested to have PSA be the topic for October.

Land’s Sake! 2012 – No new info.

New Business:

Water Fountain: Mike reported that he will be making a presentation to the Rotary Club on the Park with a possibility of having the Rotary Club donate a water fountain as the Rotary Club is looking for water issue projects to do.

Grant: Kamala reported that the PFF wrote a grant to the Community Foundation on behalf of Lydeana Martin to help provide funding for interns to help during the land use meetings.

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, October 24, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath, Recording Secretary

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