Sunday, August 7, 2011




January 17, 2011

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Linda Johnson, Mitch Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Lynn Carden, Mike Maslaney, Karin Groshans, Jane Cundiff, Anne Pendrak, and Betty Lineberry.

Minutes: The minutes of the November 15, 2010, were not ready and will be tabled for approval at the next meeting. Dede read from her meeting notes from November to bring members up-to-date. A social was held in December in lieu of a regular meeting.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Kamala reported that there was no activity; our balance remained unchanged: $2636.40. Kamala reported that our SCC renewal is due and that she will be sending a check to pay the renewal fee. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance of $10,366.42. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference. The $500 from the Floyd County Woman’s club was received and they will be making another donation in 2011.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that the patio was completed except for the lamp posts/lighting. Jon Beegle will be working on a recognition plaque for the patio. The first plaque will be for Jon for his donation of time and materials in the construction of the patio. The plaque will be similar to what the town used o the parking lot. Jon will bring the design to the PFF for approval.

Jane reported that she spoke with Mac and Jenny regarding the picnic shelter. They indicated that they were waiting for the weather to improve before continuing working on the shelter and that the students will continue to help with construction.

Jane reported that she talked to Mike Patton regarding the park, playground, etc. She felt that we needed to take the town council on a tour of the park when the weather is better so they can visualize where everything will go, etc. Jane reported that we had ownership of the playground design. PFF will have to make up criteria. It was suggested looking at the playground by the Baptist church as an example of size, etc. Betty will check on the cost of the Baptist church playground. Mitch will measure the area of the park set aside for the playground, as well as the church playground to determine a size limit to add to the criteria. It was suggested to include an age range (toddlers to 6 years) as part of the criteria. Seating for parents must be included.

Jane reported that Woody indicated that he could probably fabricate anything we might need; we just have to let him know.

Park Fundraising: Betty reported that the May 21 date will not work for the concert as the bands are either booked or there is too much competition at the country store. Several other dates were looked at and rejected as there was conflict of some sort with scheduling, other events, etc. In addition, Betty indicated that she was reluctant to hold an event at all and to continue to raise funds for the amphitheater if the town was not going to approve an amphitheater at all. Jane indicated that she felt that we should be able to get the amphitheater plan approved. Mike suggested that we ask the town council to form a committee within the council to work with us on the amphitheater project; he suggested Ross would be good on the committee. It was suggested that we look possibly at a fall time frame, such as October for the concert. Several suggestions for other bands were given. It was determined that we might have to pay the bands more that anticipated. Betty will look into an October date. Mac and Jenny would still like to participate and play for us at the event if needed. Jane and Kamala will go to the council meeting on January 20.

Earth Day 2011: Kamala reported that the date for the “earth day” event will be April 16. She will need help.

New Business:

Nominating Committee Report-Officer Elections: The Nominating Committee reported that the following board members have resigned: Sam Moore, Skip Pendry, Shannon Atkins, and Linda Petrie, leaving 7 open seats. The following board members up for re-election have agreed to stay for another term: Anne First, Jane Cundiff, and Karin Groshans. The following people have agreed to become board members: Jack Wall, Betty Lineberry, Anne Pendrak, and Jon Beegle. The slate of board members for election/re-election for 2011 is as follows: Anne First, Jane Cundiff, Karin Groshans, Jack Wall, Betty Lineberry, Anne Pendrak, and Jon Beegle, and 3 open seats. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the slate as presented. Dede will let the new board members know when their term expiration dates will be.

The Nominating Committee reported that the following people agree to serve in the following officer positions: Jack Wall – President; Mike Maslaney – Vice-President; Karin Grosshans – Treasurer; Jane Cundiff – Corresponding Secretary; and Dede McGrath – Recording Secretary. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the slate of officers as presented.

Dog Park Proposal: Linda Johnson (guest) presented a proposal to PFF for construction of a Dog Park at the Recreation Authorities’ Ball Fields Park. Linda indicated that she had contacted the Recreation Authority, but had not heard back from them at the time of this meeting. She is proposing a 200’x200’ fenced in area with a few benches and dog waste bag dispensers and disposal containers. The area would not have to be flat. She asked PFF for support of the project. The PFF expressed interest in the project; Linda will keep us informed on its progress and what we can do to help. A copy of the proposal letter is attached and incorporated by reference.

Up-Coming Events: Members were reminded that the Town Jubilee and Tour de Floyd were coming up and that PFF might want to participate as vendors or table sponsors.

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, February 28, 2010, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences. Note: this is the 4th Monday of the month.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath

Recording Secretary

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