Sunday, August 7, 2011




April 25, 2011

President Jack Wall presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Mike Maslaney, Jack Wall, Lynn Carden, Betty Lineberry, and Anne Pendrak.

Minutes: The minutes of the March 28, 2011, were approved as corrected.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Karin forwarded her report to Jack via email. Jack reported for Karin that we had a balance of $2366.40. Karin disbursed $485 for awards for the Land’s Sake contests. Dede reported that we made money at the Land’s Sake event, but she would not have an exact figure until she could find out from Karin how much change we started with.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance was the same at $10,850.93.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that there was not a lot of new info. She has not had a chance to speak with Woody. Betty reported that the plants were doing well. Jane reported that Richard Rosenburg, a musician, was interested in helping with the amphitheatre design.

Park Fundraising: Betty suggested that we have a booth in the park at the up coming Jubilee Festival hosted by the Town. Discussion followed regarding possibly selling hot dogs or sandwiches and cakes, as well as the CDs. Concerns were raised regarding the Jubilee committee saying we could not sell hot dogs in the park. Mike volunteered to check with the committee regarding a booth, etc.

Land’s Sake!: Jane reported that the Land’s Sake event was a success, despite the weather. We had 24 vendors. Discussion followed regarding lessons learned and suggestions for the next event. It was suggested to expand the exhibitor portion and possibly allow them to be vendors and sell products. Jack suggested a possible theme for the next event: Greenway/Pathways. It was reported that task forces are being formed now and we may have some information from them by next year’s event. Partnership might be able to provide information on needs to support the task forces through Lydeana regarding land use policies.

Greenway/Trail Workshop – Jack reported that he was going to participate in the Greenway/Trail workshop with Doug Thompson. Jack thought that Floyd might benefit from a similar community workshop. Lee Chichester had attempted to get a grant for something similar, but did not get the grant. The idea is still viable and it was suggested that we should try for one. Mike suggested that if we have a trail, we should make it wide enough for a vehicle and pave it. This would allow a maintenance vehicle to move along the trail and make maintenance easier. We need to research the cost to make and pave a trail and present it to the Board of Supervisors.

New Business:

Putt-Putt Golf Challenge: Anne introduces a new possible idea for a fund raiser that she and Dede had discussed. The Putt-Putt Golf Challenge would be a design/build challenge for teams to design and build a putt-putt golf hole. Awards would be presented for different hole categories, then the public could play putt-putt on the holes. The members were interested in the idea. Dede indicated that she and Anne would put together some information and look at possible dates.

Breakfast Conversation: Jack indicated that he wanted to try to establish a monthly Breakfast Conversation gathering. He wants to have informal gatherings and invite different people as a means of generating cross-dialogue on concerns and needs of Floyd.

Announcements: None.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, May 23, 2011, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,

Dede McGrath

Recording Secretary

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