Thursday, July 22, 2010

2010 May minutes

May 17, 2010

Karin Grosshans presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Dede McGrath, Jane Cundiff, Jack Wall, Anne Pendrak, Betty Lineberry, Karin Grosshans, Marjory Wells, Randall Wells, Mike Maslaney, Mitch Cundiff, Grey Lineberry, and Becky Pomponio.

Minutes: The minutes from April 19, 2010 were approved as amended.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Kamala reported that we had a balance of $2671.40. She reported that there was a discrepancy in the check book that she was working on trying to resolve. She also reported that she had submitted the electronic form 990-N to the IRS. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Park Fund: Betty reported that the Park Fund had a balance of $16,425.93. A copy of the report is attached and incorporated by reference. She reported that PFF had set up a booth at the May 1 Blue Cow Concert and sold baked goods and sodas. The sodas were donated. She also reported that she had received a $3000 anonymous donation.
Betty also reported that it was noticed during the Blue Cow concert that people were bring alcohol from the restaurants down into the park. Since the ark is to be alcohol free, it was felt that we needed to post “Rules” signs that included “no alcohol allowed”. Also, Betty reported that an unknown person was wandering the park with a jar soliciting donations for a “medical” cause. Many people thought she was collecting donations for the park and gave money. It was felt that we need to include “No soliciting” as part of the “rules”. Betty reported that the woman disappeared with the money.

Old Business:

Girl Scout Park Picnic Table Project: It was reported that the girls were confused on who was to approach the town regarding the picnic table project. It was determined that the girls needed to approach the Town and that we would accompany them.

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that Jeff has completed his portion (soil permeability) of the water management and soil investigation and we are awaiting Anderson & Associates to begin their portion. Work on the patio can commence. John Beegle and some of the Park Committee marked out the patio. Mitch did a computer rendition of a handicap ramp that is located near the restrooms on the park/patio side. Jane reported that John indicated that he can do the patio in two parts; total cost $35,000. Jane will bring this information to the town along with a request for “rules” signage to include no alcohol and no solicitations. Randall also suggested that a letter be set to the local restaurants reminding them that alcohol is not permitted off of their premises and that they need to be sure to post that and enforce it. The no smoking issue was discussed and whether we can restrict or not. It was decided that the town needed to take the lead on that issue. It was also suggested that all advertizing include no alcohol/no soliciting and that any signage needs to have a positive note restricting these.

Park Fundraiser – Concert: Betty went over the concert finances so far. She indicated that John Beegle donated BBQ and a discussion followed to decide if it should be used as food or as an auction item; it was decided to be used as an auction item. Dede went over the food and what she needed. Silent auction items were reviewed. Volunteer duties were reviewed. Set up will begin at 3 pm on Saturday. Any unsold tickets need to be returned so we could use them that night.

Trails in Floyd: Randall Wells met with Jim Shortt to discuss the “industrial park trail” legal issues. He indicated that Mr. Shortt was open to helping. Mike talked with George from Farm Bureau and indicated that George said his company could write a policy, but that the cost would be $767 per year for $1 million in liability coverage. The policy would also have to have the directors and officers be covered at $600-700 in liability. The trail would have to have signage indicating that trail maintenance was the responsibility of the PFF to cover either paid employee/contractor or volunteers. Mike indicated that it would not be effective or efficient to do this. Discussion followed and it was decided to table the industrial park trail project for now and concentrate in the trail project that will run through the town and the park. It was suggested that we approach the organization (Floyd 5K) that had raised monies for the industrial park trail project to see if they would be willing to transfer that money to the town trail project. Randall will pursue.

Comprehensive Plan: Nothing new to report.

New Business:




Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, June 21, 2010, at 6:30 pm at the Wall Residences Conference Room.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary

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