Thursday, May 17, 2007

Minutes for May 21, 2007

Partnership – For – Floyd
Board Meeting (Working) Minutes
May 21, 2007

This meeting was a working meeting in lieu of a regular board meeting.

Members present: Kamala Bauers, Nanette Johnson, Jack Wall, Karen Hodges, Karin Grosshans, Jane Cundiff, Lorice O’Connor, Dede McGrath, and Janice Yearout.

Dede acted as secretary.

1. Some discussion took place about the construction that will be starting on the town façade and other projects. Nanette suggested we have a sign that reads something like “Partnership-for-Floyd at Work”.

2. Karen Hodges gave an update of the CDBG grants:
- Façade Program: The 2-way contracts are done and work is starting on those. The 3-way contracts are underway now.

- Parking Lot: Bid was run and had to be extended to June 28, 2007. Information was disseminated regarding a mandatory contractor pre-bid walk thru meeting on June 12, 2007. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory or bid will not be accepted. Need to have a nice working relationship with Town, and businesses in the project area, ie: Mama Lazardos, Village Green, hotel, etc.

- Loan Pool: Continues to be available. Application for pool help must be submitted through Advisory Board. If town continues to keep going for 5 years, the town then can keep the money.

3. Karen gave update of TEA-21 grants: TEA-21 Grant: Phase 1A has been awarded and funded. Phase 1B has been awarded and funded, and we are waiting for the contract. Phase 2 has been awarded, but not yet funded. Phase 3 has been awarded, but will be only partially funded. What was not funded in phase 3 will be used to make up the next phase request. Sam and Karen are project managers for TEA-21.

- Phase 1A: Water tower restoration not going to happen due to lead paint hazard. The $16,000 for that will roll over into the next phase. It may be able to be used to restore retaining wall at School House Fabrics as the wall could be qualify as a “gateway” sign.

- Park A&E may be able to come under TEA-21 by being included in “parkway” as size of “parkway” was not stipulated in TEA-21.

- Phase 2: Drainage issues are being looked into. A retention/detention pond may be a possible solution.

- Sidewalk Committee:

- Hotel Floyd: The hotel is getting a new road access. It will be located behind the Old Church Gallery. Lewis Alley will become a new park/green space for town.

- Wall Committee: Done with sitting walls.

- Warren G. Lineberry Memorial Park: Michael Hedgepath is the new architect for the project. He is doing the work for free. Concerns were expressed that he may be unaware of the partnership’s role in the park and planning. Money has been taken out for a shurette. Michael wants to have one with limited people, however we feel whole town needs to feel like it had some input into park design. Partnership needs to be involved.
Kamala wants to bring in various other organizations (ie: Rotory, etc.) to be on the advisory committee. Partnership could then develop a “wish list” from the shurette to give to the A&E and let them design the park from the list. Partnership will organized a shurette as an Ice Cream Social. Kamala will get permission from Town Council. Shurette should be held near proposed park site. Letters will be sent out containing list of what is proposed already and will ask for discussion of ideas and proposal of new. A planning committee for the shurette will meet on May 29, 2007, at 6:30 pm, place TBA. Proposed dates for event are Jun 24 or 23. It is important that announcement get into the Floyd Press by June 11 and run for 2 weeks.

4. Membership: Dede will work on a membership drive. It was discussed that Partnership should try to take advantage of upcoming events, such as July 4th and the Harvest Festival, etc., to promote membership, as well as, promote park and other project planning and disseminate project information.

5. Scrapbook: Jane was looking for the scrapbook to add stuff to the website. Jane will get with Mike Muslaney for his help with a summary of our projects for the website.

The next regular board meeting will be June 18, 2007, at 6:00 pm at Zion.

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